Gladion X Reader (Pokémon Sun and Moon) {Perfect Timing}

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Edit February 3, 2021: Really should just copy and paste this but this one shot shouldn't have a gender for the reader. Please let me know if you see anything and I will correct it. Thank you!

Doing the island challenge was fun, but also very exhausting. I was tried of living by what my parents told me to do, so I ran. Fast and far away. My best friend left me to join Team Skull.

"I'm going to get the power that my Pokémon need."

That's what he said, we still talk a little. When I say that I mean I'm traveling with he's friend? I'm not sure that they are, but they have history together.

I'm traveling to my next trail with Lillie. Yeah, some how Gladion and this girl have some kind of history together. Weird right? To make things worse I kind of like Gladion. We are near Poe town, my parents always told me to stay away from there. I've also heard rumors about Team Skulls headquarters being there.

"Hey (y/n)," Lillie stared, "ready to set up camp?"

I looked up at the pink sky. Then sun was almost all the way down, night was coming fast.

"Yeah that's a good idea." I said, sitting my bag down.

She sat down in the ground, she looked like she was ready to sleep.

"I'll go get some fire wood, stay here, okay?" I said, hoping she'll do as I say.

"Are you sure you'll be okay? What if you run into someone that wants to fight?" Lillie asked.

I nodded my head, "yeah I have Primarina and Nine Tails with me." I said, hoping that convinced her.

"Okay, hurry back." Lillie said and I smiled.

"Of course, in the mean time can you start getting the food ready to cook?" She nodded, and walked into the woods.

I started thinking about Gladion, we use to hangout all the time in the woods.

"I bet I can beat you up this tree!"

"Oh yeah!"


I was cocky as a kid, always picking fights with him. Gladion always ended up beating me. I miss those days, I wish that I could see him again.

A few minutes later I had enough fore wood, and started walking back. That's when I heard Lillie scream. Not like when she walks into a spider web, this one sounds like she was terrified.

I dropped the fire wood, and ran to her. When I got to where she was, she was out cold on the ground. Three Team Skull grunts were there, they saw me as soon as I got there.

"Well well look what we have here." The first one said.

"Dude we don't have time to be messing around with some kid." Another one said.

"Yeah man he's right, but there's nothing wrong with stealing more Pokémon." The only girl said.

"What!?" I said, "you guys know I can hear you right?" I said really pissed.

"Okay then," The first one said, "we'll take you on."

"We?!" The second on said, "more like you and Akari will. I'll take this one back to headquarters."

The other two nodded, and sent out there Pokémon, "this won't take long." The first one said.

"We will catch up with soon." The girl said.

"That's what you think!" I shouted at them, and sent out Primarina and Nine Tails.

It was a two on four match, but my Pokémon were strong. The second guy picked up Lillie, threw her over his shoulder and took off running.

This Pokémon match was taking way too long. Like I said Nine Tails and Primarina were strong but not against two other Pokémon.

Nine Tails fell to the ground, only one of their Pokémon was knocked out. There was no way I could win.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone call, then two other Pokémon came to save Primarina.

Gladion came next to me. He looked even cuter than the last time I saw him.

"W-what how?" I tried to say, but I couldn't.

"You're lucky I saw you, now what's going on?" Gladion said.

"I'll have to tell you everything later! Right me we need to take care of these guys." I said.

"Alright then."

Less than two minutes later, we had won, and I healed our Pokémon.

"Okay we need to get to Poe town. A guy from Team Skull kidnapped Lillie-" I said before Gladion cut me off.

"What!? Come on we have to save her!" He said, and took off running.

To be honest I was hurt that he cared so much about her. Then again if he didn't care about me then he wouldn't have helped  me. I took off running after him.

When we got there, the guy from Team Skull was at the front of there headquarters.

"Well it looks like you betrayed us, Gladion." He said and laughed.

"I guess you could say that, but I'll always help out the people I care about. No matter what side I'm on." Gladion said.

"Let's see how long you'll be saying that line." The guy from Team Skull said.

"(Y/n), sit this one out. I got this." Gladion said, not even looking at me.

"No way! We are in this together-" I tried to say, but he cut me off again.

"Just do it!" He yelled.

I didn't say anything after that, I just moved out of the way.

The guy dropped Lillie on to the ground hard, which made Gladion even more pissed.

They stared fighting, I snuck over to Lillie to make sure was okay.

Gladion won the fight, of course. He came over to me, "is she okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's fine." I said softly.

We sat there in silence for a while, until I stood up, "I think I should go," I said softly.

Gladion got up, "where are you going?"

"Going back to my island challenge." I said, "you can take her with you."

He shook is head, "no, my life is too crazy for her to handle."

I glared at him, "so you're still gonna work for them huh."

"Well it's not like I have a choice." Gladion said and glared back.

"Yes you do!" I shouted, "you can come with me!" What did I just say!?

He laughed, "sorry (y/n), but we aren't kids anymore."

"What's wrong with you!?" I shouted, "why are you acting so different!"

"People change after stuff happens (y/n)! I can't undo all the bad things I've done!"

"I don't care about that!"

"I'm not dragging you down with me!"

"You won't!"

"Whatever (y/n)," he said calmly, "I hate you."

I smirked, and got close to his face, "look me in the eye and say that again. If you can I'll take Lillie and leave."

"You know I can't do that," Gladion said.

I smiled, "then you don't really hate me." I said.

"You're right," he wrapped his arms around me, "I like you."

I hugged him, "I like you too."

We just stood there, the moon was shining down on us. The most perfect night ever.

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