Laxus X Neutral! Reader (Fairy Tail) {Roommates} Part Two

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Did you really think I would just leave it with only one part? Someone wanted a part two so here it is!

"Well it's been almost two years now," Erza said as she began to cut her piece of cake into bite sized pieces. "What are you going to do once it's all over?"

"Leave as soon as I can. I've been looking at other apartments all over town. It's not like we can stay there." (Y/n) replied sipping (favorite drink).

"Huh and what is Laxus going to do?" Mirajane as Erza took a bite of her cake.

"Dunno." The (magic ability) mage replied. "He can do what ever he wants."

The girl sighed, "you don't have to act tuff here." Mirajane said, "only S-class mages can come up here after all." Erza nods her head in agreement.

"I'm not acting tuff, I really don't care what he does." They replied in an annoyed tone.

"We both know you're lying. You and Laxus stopped fighting completely a few months ago. Even for a normal guild, people started to notice." Mirajane insisted.

"For us, that's even worse. You two have been seen together going on more jobs," Erza says and slides a thick stack of papers across the table, over to me. "The townsfolk have noticed too and started to take pictures. They will start making action figures of you guys together some time this year or next year..."

Mirajane looks over at Erza, "where did you get these?"

"It was easy, someone followed Laxus and (Y/n) during one foo their jobs and took a bunch of pictures. That same person then went down to the printing press and made copies of them. They then sold them to fans and to a few shops. The printing press started making more pictures and selling them. All it took was a simple disguise and some money to get them." Erza explained before taking another bite of her cake.

Mirajane and I looked over at each other, then back at Erza. "W-.....what?" They said together.

"Moving on..." (Y/n) said and the two girls look over to them. "There is nothing going on between us."

"Oh yeah?" Mirajane says with a devilish facial expression, "then what about when Gray and Lucy found you two sleeping in the same bed a few months back?"

"You mean when I was badly injured and Laxus decided to be nice for once and let me sleep in the bed even though I protested and protested, not wanting to break my promise to him saying that "I lost the bet fair and square and I will keep my end of the deal" or something like that?" (Y/n) said without taking a breath. "Then yes, we did."

"You mean when I made you sleep in the bed that night." Laxus said, walking up the stairs causing Mirajane and (Y/n) to jump. "Then yeah, we did."

(Y/n) sighed and stands up, "did you find a job?"

Laxus hands her the filer, "just got it approved from Gramps. Let's get this over with." (Y/n) says goodbye to Erza and Mirajane in a hurry, not wanting to keep Laxus waiting.

"Hand it over." Mirajane says and Erza grumbles. "Damn devil." Erza mumbles and hands her the money the two bet on.

"You lost fair and square, remember? I told you they love each other." Mirajane laughs.

"We'll see if you are right or not." Said the angry mage, smacking Mirajane on the head to make her stop laughing.


"Why do you have to be so reckless!" Laxus shouts as (Y/n) finishes off the last batch of dark guild members.

"Why do you always have to play it safe!" (Y/n) shouts back, stumbling back from the fallen dark guild member. "I was trying to protect you for Edolas sake!"

Laxus moves closer to the (magic ability) mage, getting in their face. "I don't need your help."

"Then why did you want me to come on this job with you? If you don't need me then why are you still here! Why don't you just leave!" (Y/n) shouts in his face, making him even more pissed off.

Laxus was taken back by this, but wasn't backing down. "You would have been killed if it wasn't for me!"

"You would have died almost two years ago if I wasn't there to save you!" (Y/n) fights back, "just leave if you don't want me around!"

Laxus keeps the pissed look on his face, "no."

(Y/n) scoffs and walks passed him, "pff 'no' he says. Like he knows everything."

He walks behind her, "walking away isn't going to solve anything."

"'Walking away isn't going to solve anything.'" They mock him, "you're acting like you know everything."

"I know more than you think." He starts, "you are acting distant because you know once we move out, we'll never see each other again."

"So you must be having the same thought." (Y/n) replies, "isn't that right?"

"Yes, I can admit it. I hate that we won't be together anymore." Laxus says with a sigh, "do you want my help?"

"With what?" They ask.

"Do you want me to carry you back to the apartment? You look like you're about to fall over."

(Y/n) shakes their head, "nope."

And of course Laxus doesn't take no for an answer. He walks ahead of them and knees down. "What if I give you a piggy back ride? You'll be able to see the stars?"

(Y/n), clearly embarrassed, "fine."

They walk a little ways, Laxus carrying (Y/n) as they mumbles about how much they hate this and "this is so stupid" the whole way back to the apartment.

As they arrived at the door, Laxus put (Y/n) back on the ground and they unlocked the door. "Thank you," mumbled a still kind of pissed off (Y/n).

Laxus's face softened, "your welcome. Just go to bed now." They nod and head to the bedroom, moving back the covers on the bed.

"You sure it's okay for me to sleep with you? I mean I lost the coin toss and everything..." (Y/n) trails off as Laxus walks into the room.

He moves closer to them, "yeah." Then move to the bathroom to get changed.

When he returns, he finds the (magic ability) mage sitting on the bed as if they were waiting for them.

(Y/n) then walks over to Laxus, pulling him close. "If you won't say it then I will. I love you, Laxus. And yes, I want to stay with you once we can move out of here."

Laxus froze for a moment but (Y/n) knew that they had to say if first. Laxus wasn't the type to show affect very easily after all.

(Y/n) lets go, kisses him on the cheek and goes to lay down under the covers without saying a word. Laxus follows them and lays down on his side of the bed. No words were said.

The next morning, Laxus wakes up before (Y/n) to find their body far away from his. Laxus gets mad and pulls them close to him, holding the (magic ability) mage securely in his arms.

In doing so, he wakes up the sleeping mage. "Laxus?" They ask, getting a hum for a response. "What's wrong?" They try to move but they only makes him hold on tighter. This motion causes (Y/n) to realize that this was his "I love you".

(Y/n) closes their eyes, "I won't you leave. If that means I have to sneak into your apartment after this is all over then so be it."

Laxus nods and kisses their neck, "you won't have to. We'll find a place and start dating, if you want to that is."

(Y/n) hums in response, "I love you." Laxus holds them a little tighter and whispers, "I love you too."

Laxus is a cuddly man and you can not change my mind. Is this what the request wanted? You know I'm not sure anymore. Honestly just wanted to make them have an argument and make it so that they both were thinking the same thing. Does that make sense? Maybe not. Anyway, I hope you guys like it and I'll see you later. Really need to watch this anime again lol.

Again sorry for the horrible neutral reader I promise I will get better at it.


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