Shy!Kaminari Denki X Outgoing!Neutral!Reader (My Hero Academia) [Soulmate AU]

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This was supposed to be a request but I backed out of all requests. But I decided to keep it since it was almost finished. So, requester if you are seeing this, hi!

(Note: the song is not part of this request, it just gave me an idea of what I was gonna do, no need to listen to it or anything, I saw this song in an animatic but it was a ship on and I don't want to start drama, but if you would like to see it let me know and I'll send you the link)

This one shot is brought to you by the song I Was An Island by John-Allison

In this AU: A matching soul mark appears on both of them the moment they first touch.

"Ugh this is so not fair!" I said as I threw myself onto my bed.

"Just give (Y/n) a minute Kaminari." Mina said, sitting next to me. "We are supposed to be training right now anyway."

"That's what the teacher want us to do," the pillow muffled my voice. "We don't have to."

"Well then don't text (Y/n) when everyone is out training." The pink haired girl sighed but then quickly grabbed my wrist. "When did this happen!" She exclaimed staring down at the soulmate's mark.

"A couple months ago, it's not a big deal." I told her, sitting up. 

"Do you know who you're soulmate is?" She asked, "do they know that you are their soulmate?" Her started talking faster, "do you know wheretheyare? Dotheyknowthatyouknowthattheyareyoursoulmate?"

(Translation: "Do they know that you know that they are your soulmate?"

I take both of my hands and put them on her shoulders. "Breath, Mina, breath. Yes, I know who my soulmate is. No, I do not know if they know it's me for sure. We haven't really talked about it..."

Her face lights up, "so then who is it?!"

My phone buzzes with a notification. It was a text message.

From: ❤︎My soulmate❤︎

- Hey! Sorry for the late reply, out training with the others. I need to take a quick shower before we can go, is that okay?

Mina quickly took my phone and read the message and her face lit up. "Do they go to our school?!"

"Yes now give me my phone back!" I replied, grabbing the phone out of her hand and moved to where she couldn't see what I was typing.

To: ❤︎My Soulmate❤︎

- Yeah of course that's okay! Just let me know when you're ready to go :)

"Sooooooooooo~" Mina dragged, "are you gonna tell me who it is or..."

"Haven't you figured it out by now?" I asked while covering my face with a pillow. "Use your detective skills."

I could hear her pouting in her voice, "yeah I do know but I want to know I'm right." She sighed, "can't you at least tell me about them?" She removed the pillow covering my face and gave me her signature puppy dog eyes.

I groaned, "yeah alright, alright. Where do I start..."

"At the beginning of course!" She smiled with a cheery look in her eyes.

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