Sasuke X Female! Reader (Naruto) {I Still Love You}

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Here we have another request!

"Why does everyone fall in love with that asshole?!" Naruto shouted from the top of the classroom. I shrugged, "why are you asking me. I hate that guy just as much as you do. I swear if we get put on the same team as him..." I trailed off. Naruto nodded, "I know right, you just might kill him. Not that I blame you." I glared at him, "don't you ever say that about me, got it?" I said in a cold voice. Naruto nodded and the teacher walked in. "As you all know today you will assigned to teams of three." Sasukes fangirls went back to their seats, hoping they would be put on the same team as their beloved. I rolled my eyes, "I wish Sakura were here. I would do anything to be on the same team as her." Naruto mumbled. "Wow, thanks asshole." I teased. "Now can I have everyone's attention," the teacher said and glared at us. He started to call our teams, after a while he got to me. "(Y/n), Naruto," the teacher called. "Yes!" Naruto and I cheered. "And Sasuke." Naruto and I snapped our heads towards the duck head. He didn't do anything. 

As we waited for our sensei to arrive. After a while, he showed up. "Sorry everyone, I was running a little late." Naruto started shouting and I held him back. Sasuke laughed at me, my head snapped towards him, my eyes fixed in a glare. We left the classroom to a place outside. "I guess we'll start of with introductions." He said, "My name is Kakashi, my food is-" he went on to tell us some basic stuff about him, favorite color, food and what he wants out of life. "I guess we can start with you," Kakashi sensei said, pointing at Naruto. 

After that madness was over, all I learned was Sasuke is still an asshole and Naruto hasn't changed since the day I met him. We were told to head home for the day, I asked Naruto if he wanted to hang out but he declined. I walked into the woods to do some training. Both of my parents are on a mission at this moment. My clan was famous for using knifes and swords as weapons. After training for a few hours, I ate and took a shower before going to sleep.

The next morning we had our first request, he had to deliver food to an old lady that lives on the outskirts of the main part of the village. Of course Kakashi sensei didn't show up, so we started without him. It's not like this was some huge important request or anything.  Naruto and Sasuke started fighting over who delivered their share of the food to the lady fast. I stepped in the middle of them and pointed at Naruto, "you know that you finished at the same time as he did. Stop trying to pick a fight with him! Just leave him alone!" I said, Naruto didn't say anything but Sasuke snorted. I turned around and lifted Sasuke up by grabbing his shirt, "and you," I said in a cold tone, "you're no better than he is. We all know that you're gonna leave the village one day, and I for one don't care! Just leave already and quit making fun of him! You may be a tad stronger than Naruto, but that doesn't mean that you can such an asshole to him!" I wanted keep going, but Sasuke glared at me and said, "what the hell do you know! You still have parents! You still have a family! I have nothing!" 

Sasuke got out of my grip and we started yelling at each other. Naruto tried to get us to stop but that wasn't happening any time soon. Kakashi sensei came out of nowhere and pulled as apart. "I think it's about time I tell you both something," He said, Sasuke and I were still glaring at each other. Kakashi sensei sighed, "they put you guys on the same team because they knew that you two wouldn't stop staring at each other." He said in a calm tone. Naruto was about to go off, but he stepped in before Naruto could, "(y/n) would glare at the back of Sasuke's head, and Sasuke would stare at (y/n) because he wanted to talk to her. Isn't that right?" He asked. I nodded, Sasuke's face was red but he nodded as well. Kakashi sensei let both of us go, "come on Naruto, let's go get something to eat and leave those two alone." Naruto didn't say anything, he just followed.

After they were gone, "do you really not care if I left the village?" Sasuke asked, looking down at the ground. I shook my head, "not completely, if you did I would have make sure that Naruto would go running after you and all. That would be such a drag." I replied. "I didn't know that Shikamaru was here." Sasuke said with a smile on his lips. I smiled, "I din't know you were staring at me. I guess I was too busy hating you. You know cause everyone loved you and everything." I said with a smile. "Well, um," He started to say, but I cut off. "Hold on! Did the great Sasuke just stutter!" I teased, he glared at me. "Would you shut up and let me finish." I nodded and keeping smiling at how mad he got. "Do you want to go out?" He asked, I nodded. "Of course!" I replied he smiled and hugged me. "Oh my gosh! The great Sasuke is hugging me! Oh I just might die!" I said laughing, acting like one of his fan girls. "Never mind we're breaking up." He said and let go so I could see the smile on his lips so I would know that he was kidding.

We went out for awhile and it was smooth sailing for awhile. That is until Sasuke left the village. I didn't try to stop him, I knew that this is what he has to do. I stayed behind, mostly because I was stuck in the hospital but that's another story. Right before he left, he came to see me. He was sitting on my bed in the middle of the night when I woke up. He was just staring out the window and I sat up. "It's about time you woke up." He said and smiled. "I thought you were leaving today?" I replied and he kissed my lips. "I had to say goodbye, come on I'm not that much of an asshole. You said that yourself." He said with a smile. "Yeah I know, that still doesn't mean that I won't miss you. You know that I will always love you." I replied, he pulled me tight onto his chest. "I love you too, and I'm sorry I have to leave you." "You'll be back on day, I know that you can't leave me forever."

I haven't seen him since. Naruto yelled at me cause I didn't try to stop him before running out to try and find him. I rolled my eyes at the thought of bring him back. It was Sasuke's choice, not mine. There was no changing his mind so why try? I went on with my life, thinking about that asshole every once in awhile. That is, until that day he came back. "I told you that you can't leave me forever." I said and smiled. Sasuke had found out by Naruto as to here I was staying at. He knocked on my door once he found it. "Yeah I know and you know what?" He replied with a smirk. "What?" I smirked. "I still love you. Just like I said." I smiled, "well good cause I still love you too."

Yes I know the ending is rushed but I really want to post this before I went to sleep so I had to hurry it up. I'm sorry to the requester if this isn't what you wanted! I have a few more request left so until then stay safe and happy!


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