Naruto X Fem!Reader (Naruto) {Protect Our "Family"}

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As we sit here in the grass, kids are running all around us. They are so young and full of hope, unaware of the horror that is reality. At least we have each other, it's always been Naruto and I. Plus this old tree and a fence that's a little rusted.

All the younger kids hangout around the swing set, slides, and monkey bars. Naruto and I have to watch them, to make sure that nobody breaks anything.

"Do you think we should tell them the truth?" Naruto asked.

"No! They have a better chance than us! They can't lose hope.... not like us." I said the last part softly.

"I guess. Oh have you heard about Konoha?" Naruto asked.

"A little, the place that's filled with ninjas?" I said.

"Yeah! Wouldn't be amazing if we could go!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Sure, but what about all the dangers of being a ninja? Plus-"

"Jeez (y/n)! Do you have a sense of adventure!?" He pulled me off the ground, "one day we'll climb the fence, and escape to Kohoha!"

I chuckled, "you know, that's the second time you've told me that. Did you forget?"

Naruto blushed, "of course not..... okay maybe a little."

I laughed, "come on! We better hurry up and eat before they take the food away."

As we stared walking to the dining hall, we saw kids leaving with sad looks on their faces. Its nothing new, there has always been a food shortage here. Our orphanage is all the way out in the country. So not many people know about us, that means little donations. To make things worse, the owner didn't care about us and kept half the food for herself.

"Naruto! (Y/n)! Help!" Kazumi, who is nine years old, came running toward us.

I kneeled down to his height, "how bad is it?"

"We made sure that everyone got food from the youngest to age twelve. With the help of Tatsu of course." Kazumi said.

That was our group, we made sure that everyone got food. Even if we didn't, this time it wasn't as bad.

"Does everyone have enough to drink?" Naruto asked.

Kazumi nodded, "but, there is only one meal left...."

"And Tatsu is getting sick.." I mumbled.

"Do you think you and Tatsu can share it?" Naruto asked.

He nodded his head, "but what about you and (y/n)! You guys barley eat! Tatsu and I will be fine!"

I put both of my hands on his shoulders, in a threatening manner, "you go back in there and share your food with her, got it?"

Kazumi nodded his head, "yes ma'am- I-I mean o-okay." He ran off to Tatsu.

Naruto chuckled, "and I thought Tatsu was scary!"

"Hey! You know I only do that to make him eat!" I exclaimed.

When Kazumi was unable to hear us, "I was really looking forward to eating.." Naruto mumbled.

"Yeah, me too. I don't think we can sneak out tonight. We almost got caught last time." I said, looking down.

Naruto put a hand on my shoulder, "Hey, look on the bright side, at least everyone had something to eat."

"Everyone but us...." I mumbled.

"Are you okay? Why are you so down all of a sudden?" Naruto asked.

Some of the kids were coming back from the dining hall. I took Naruto's hand and started running down the hall.

"Okay, okay you can let go!" He shouted, as I let go.

"We have to go to ckh!" I shouted.

That's code for corner kids hideout.

"Yeah I know where we're going!" Naruto shouted behind me.

"Since when did you get so slow!" I teased!

"You shouldn't run so fast! You might pass out!" He said.

"I'll be fine! We're almost there!" I shouted.

We have to two main hideouts and two side hideouts. The two side hideouts are on the eight to eleven hallway and the other is on the twelve to bye hallway. One hideout is outside in a house made for tiny kids in the far right corner, that's for all kids to tell us about anything they've heard. Mostly about who got in a fight with who, who was taken to a family in the city, or who wants to date who. For some reason they ask for our blessing.

The other is a storehouse on the other side of the building, in the far right corner. That's were we make plans and discuss different problems. We met up their twice a week after the owner is asleep, to discuss plans about food and water. In the winter, we come up with a way to get the other kids clothes, mostly the smaller kids. You see, most of our clothes are handed down. We save money that way, that way we can buy food or other things.

As you can see, we run this place, in a good way. After all, we're the oldest, which is bad. Next fall, Naruto and I have to leave, or runaway like Sasuke did last fall. We are trying to make as much money as we can, and pick out who will lead after Kazumi and Tatsu leave.

It was after dinner, so we when to the hideout on our hallway. That is, until Tatsu came running "(y/n)! Naruto! Run!"

Right before we opened the door to the hideout, "what's up Tatsu? Why do we need to run?"

Tatsu was panting from running half way across the building, "it's the owner. (Y/n) is being taken away!"

Hey guys! Looks like Wattpad made it so I could do this again! For those who don't know, this is me talking to you guys! There might be a part two.... I don't know yet. But next month I have a break from school! For like a week....

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