Soul X Reader (Soul Eater) {Two Bands, Two Members Fall In Love}

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So I was going through the book I used to write all my ideas down in and I found this one so yeah. I hope you all enjoy it!

Edit February 3, 2021: Again this one shot shouldn't have a gender for the reader. if you see anything the implies that the reader does, please let me know and I will correct it.

Hey (y/n) would you quit daydreaming! We have work to do!" The bassist, Tatsu, shouted at me. I was staring out into the open seats that would be filled in a few hours. 

I turned around and nodded, "yeah I'm coming."

Today was the battle of the bands and luckily for us we got to go first. Which means we had to get everyone excited really fast, but this way we didn't have to follow anyone.

One of the other bands arrived early as well. After we were all set up we went back stage, that band was standing out in the hall way.

"Hey." One of the guys said, "I'm guessing you're (Band name)."

There were four of them in total. Two girls and two guys.

"Who's asking?" Tatsu asked, her eyes glaring.

The one with blue hair replied, "Soul Eater."

Kazumi stepped in, she knew these two are both hot heads. "Yes we are (band name). You're playing after us, right?"

"That's correct." One of the girls said.

Blue hair boy faced me, "hey, why don't you speak?"

Kazumi held Tatsu back from getting into another fight, "don't you dare." Kazumi said.

We walked off, avoiding the question.

"I could've handled it you know." I said once we were in the room.

"Yeah I know, I just hate hot heads." Tatsu replied. 

"That's funny coming from you." Kazumi said, Tatsu threw an empty soda can at her head. Kazumi moved out the way in time. 

I laughed, "I missed this."

They both glared at me and I laughed even harder.

"Do you know their names?" Kazumi asked.

We both shook our heads, "look them up." I suggested, she nodded and pulled out her phone.

She started to read the first thing that came up. "The blue haired one's name is Black Star, the one how asked us the first question is Soul. The girl that answered our question is Tsubaki and the one who didn't say anything is Maka."

"They're kida cute." Tatsu said, looking at Kazumi. "I bet that you like..." she looked at them again and then pointed to the one in black. "That one!"

I looked at who she was pointing at, "Tatsu, it says he's no longer in the band."

"Oh, well then you don't get a guy." 

Kazumi and I laughed, "so which one do you like?" I asked.

"I bet it's Black Star." Kazumi said, "aw they would be so cute, two hot heads in love!" She sang.

Tatsu threw another soda can at us, missing again. "Come on, we need to practice." 

We both nodded, leaving the room.

Once all the seats were filled, it was time we stepped out on stage. I was on guitar, Kazumi plays bass and Tatsu played drums.

"What's up everyone!" Tatsu shouted into the microphone, standing up on her drum stool. "How you guys doing tonight!?" 

The crowd went wild, she was always the hype person on stage. 

"We are (band name)! We hope you guys have a wonderful night!"

She counted us off, and we started playing. The crowd seemed to like us, more than I was thinking they were. When we got off stage and the next band started playing, that weren't cheering as much. 

I needed to take a breather after all of that, so I was outside most of the night. Soul came out after his band was finished, "yo (band name)!" He shouted once he saw me.

I was sitting on the ground, back against the building. "I got admit the crowd liked you guys so much better than us."

I didn't look up at him and didn't say anything ether. "Do you not talk to any other people? I mean you singing on stage and all but..."

Once again, I didn't do anything. He pulled out his phone and started typing, sitting down next to me.

He handed my his phone, it was pulled up to his notes. 'I really want to talk to you. You seem chill. I wish I could be more chill.'

I typed back, 'umm thanks? By the way you guys sounded pretty good. Not better than us but I'm in the band that beat you so...'

'We'll have a rematch one day. And just so you know, Black Star wouldn't shut up about Tatsu. And yes we looked you guys up. I think you guys did too?'

'Yeah we did and I'll make sure to tell her that.'

'I need to head back now, but here's my number. Give me a call or text sometime.'

I made a contact in my phone, giving him my number as well.

'See you around.' I typed and gave him back his phone.

Yeah I think we can all agree that this didn't make much sense. Plus it was a lot shorter than that I normally do but I need to post so yeah.


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