Laxus X Reader (Fairy Tail) {Bad Day}

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My brother said that Kingdom Hearts is an awful game.... so I need something to make me happy. Other than my wallpaper that is Sora smiling because it's one of the reasons as to why I love him so much and will not stop talking about him. Plus I want to do something cute with this giant thunderstorm. Yes, there is a Kingdom Hearts and Haikyuu!! reference in this one shot I'm sorry but I wanted to do it.

Edit February 3, 2021: Let's go! We have another one shot where the gender is non exist for the reader. Please tell me if I'm in the wrong here and I will correct it. Thank you!

I slammed the door and stormed into the kitchen where giant thunderstorm was waiting. Once he saw my face, he went into the freezer to bring out sea salt ice cream and two spoons.

"Tuff day?" He asked as he took off the lid. 

"You have no idea." I replied, taking the spoon off the counter. "How was yours?"

"Same as it always is. That guy with the green hair keeps following me though." He took a half spoon full of the frozen sugar and milk.

"Has he tried talking to you yet?" I took an over flowing spoon full.

"Nope, he just stares at me. When I turn my head he's just there."

The room was silent of a moment, "what happened on your job?" Rolling thunder asked.

"A dumb pig got in my way and almost threw me off the mountain." I mumbled, taking another over flowing spoon full of the salty ice cream.

Thunder head dropped his spoon and busted out laughing. "Y-you-" he tried to say something but was cut off by laughing too much.

"It's not like it did!" I shouted.

"T-then w-what-" he just couldn't stop laughing. Jerk.

"What happened?" I asked, taking another spoon full. Ignoring the fact that he is still laughing at something like this. 

He nodded his head, finally able to catch his breath.

"They ran off before I could do anything..."

He gave me a confused look as I took another bite of the blue ice cream. 

"What do you mean "they" was there more than one?"

I shook my head as he picked up his spoon and walked over to the sink. Since it fell on the floor he needs to get a more clean one. 

"It was just the one." I replied, "why?"

"Then why didn't you say "it"? The pig can't hear you (y/n)." He replied, walking back over to where our weird but amazing ice cream is.

"That's just mean!"

"(Y/n) it wanted to throw you off the mountain, it sounds mean."

"Yeah but it's still a pig. Pigs are cute." I replied and cut him off before he could say anything else. "Do not fight me on this."

He held his hands up in defense, "okay okay I won't. Calm down, don't throw your spoon at me."

I smiled at him. He can be a jerk but whenever it's the two of us and some ice cream, he's a different person. Of course this is the case for most people. You won't say somethings if your grandparents were watching now would you. 

He smiled back, "I swear every time I look at you, you get ever more beautiful."

I blushed and got another spoon full, pushing the container away from me. "You need to get that away from me before I eat it all."

He rolled his eyes, "I was trying to be nice to you."

"You're always nice to me where it's just us." I replied, "have to keep up that thunderstorm ego, right?"

He glared at me from over at the freezer, "no."

Hate it admit it but I was expecting a different reaction than just that. I stood there for a moment, "you wanted me to say something else?"

I nodded my head, "yes! You almost never give me a one liner!"

He walked back over to the counter, "sorry sweet cheeks."

"What? Where did 'sweet cheeks' come from?" I gasped dramatically and walked away from him, backwards to be even more dumb. "W-who are you and what have you done with rolling thunder?" 

He rolled his eyes and walked around to side of the counter I was standing at. Picked me up, and spun me around.

I was a giggling mess since it was kinda fun. Okay it was really fun and his face was lit up since I was smiling and giggling like that kid who has their first cookie. We all know that you've seen that picture or video and it's just plan adorable. 

He carefully placed me back onto the floor as I was still a giggling mess.

"See I can be fun." Thunder breath said.

"Who said you couldn't?" I asked, still smiling at him.

He smiled in return, "don't know. Just lately it's like you and I are both happier. What ever it is that's causing it, I hope it never goes away."

I pulled him into my embrace, "who knew you had a soft side. I like it."

He buried his face in the crook of my neck, "you have a bigger impact on me then you will ever know. You make me happier, even when you almost get knocked off the side of a mountain by a giant pig."

This was the moment I tried to pull away but it kept me in the same place. "Laxus let go! I need to pout and you need to see my face!"

"What kind of sentence is that?" He asked with a small laugh.

"I don't know! Just let go so I can be mad at you!" I said, starting to laugh at how dumb all of this is.

He shook his head and kissed the top of my head, "sorry but holding you is so much better than laughing at you. But you look cute when you get dumb."

Giving into his words, I wrapped my arms back around his torso. "Thanks, I guess?"

He chuckles, "I love you (y/n). Don't ever for get it."

"Love you too, Laxus."

The time I tried to make something cute and it kinda works but it still comes out random. Ugh I miss not having school. It's been raining so much where I'm at and it needs to stop already. By the way, I only made the reader say 'Laxus' twice... just putting that out there... Anyway I hope you guys liked it!


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