Boruto X Fem!Reader (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) {Growing Up} Part 2

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This is a request from harlmat a while back. I'm so sorry that I took so long to write! Also I'm writing this on my phone!

~Boruto pov~

It's been about two months since (y/n) got my family together for my birthday. Ever since then I've wanted to ask her out.

"Man, just ask her out already, this is getting creepy." Inojin said.

We are eating lunch, outside, under a huge tree near the academy. We are in the woods, that way nobody can hear us.

"He's right Boruto, if you don't tell her someone else will." Shikadai said. I know that I should tell her, but I'm scared to.

"I know guys, but she told me that she won't date anyone before she's seventeen. So even if I tell her, she won't go out with me." I said, finishing my lunch.

"Wow, the great Boruto Uzumaki is scared of a girl." Inojin said. "I'm so scared!! I just don't see the point of confessing if I can't date her!!!" I screamed.

Shikadai put his hand over my mouth before I could say anymore. "Stupid the girls eat near here, they might have heard you." 'Crap!! I forgot!!' I though.

Shikadai put his hand down, "come on let's go back."

I just stood there, if she heard that she will never like me.

"Come on Boruto," Inojin said, "you just said that you didn't care." I know that, but I didn't mean it.

Just then Sarada showed up with (y/n), (y/n) looked like she didn't have any life left in her.

"What the hell Uzumaki!!" Sarada said, "look at her! She doesn't have any life in her thanks to you!!" Sarada yelled.

(Y/n) whispered something to Shikedai, and left. "Wait (y/n)!" She was still walking away.

"That's it, she's gone." I looked down at the ground, "it's over even if she did like me, she will never go out with me now." I starting walking in the opposite direction of (y/n).

"Hey Boruto, where are you going!" Shikadai said. "We still have class!" Inojin said. I just kept walking, "let him go." Sarada said.

I walked until I was at the tree where I first met (y/n) years ago. I climbed the huge tree and sat there until the sun went down, and the stars came out.

I walked home when all the stars were out. I never looked up until I got home.

It was around midnight when I got home, Mother was pissed, and Father was there, maybe I should ask him.

"Where have you been!" Mother said, Father didn't say anything.

I just ingored her and looked at Father. We where standing right out the door, I didn't even take off my shoes.

"Hey Father can I ask you something?" I asked. He nodded.

We went into my room, and sat down on my bed.

"Okay," I started, " so sorry that I'm late it's just......." I trailed off.

"Don't worry about being late, just tell me why." Father said. I took a deep breath and let it out.

I told him what happened with (y/n), and he just hugged me.

"It's ok," he said, "just go fined her, and tell her what happened, she will understand and she likes you too."

"Okay, oh and please don't tell Mother about me liking her, tell her everything else."

I ran out of the house, I knew where to look first.

(Y/n) pov

I have been here for two hours waiting to see if he will come to fined me. Yeah right. I know he won't, he doesn't even like me, right?

It's around two in the morning right now. I'm up in the tree, outside of Konoha. Boruto doesn't know about this place, at least that's what I thought.

There was a flash of blonde hair, and I was falling from the tree. You know, this tree is about three-hundred and fifty feet high. So I'm gonna die if I fall straight down.

I did a back flip, and landed on my feet. Then I was tackled to the ground, that damn banana head.

(Ha!! You all thought that Boruto was gonna catch you! Ha! I'm put more thinking in to my story's than you might think!)

Boruto was on top of me, pending me to the ground. I tried throwing him off, I knew I was much stronger than him, but he didn't move.

"Sarada's Father told me, you're stronger when you really want something. You can't push me down because you want me here." Boruto said.

I can't say that I was hoping that he was gonna find me, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Yeah so what!?"I shouted, "you don't care about me! You don't know why I can't date you now!" Tears filled my eyes, "I want to! I want to call you mine!" Tears were now falling like a hurricane, "I want to wrap my arms around you, bury me face in your chest..."

He got off of me, and pulled me to his chest. "You can call me yours, you can wrap your arms around me, and bury you pretty face in my chest. I will wait until the time you can officially date me, but 'til then, do you want to act like we are dating?"

"Y-yes." I whispered, and wrapped my arms around him, "thank you."

Boruto let out a small laugh, "I will do anything for you, love you."

A/n: YAY THATS DONE!!!!!! Sorry that took for ever! Let me know if you want a part three!

~Dragneel out

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