Natsu X Fem!Reader X Gray (Fairy Tail) {Choose}

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This is another request! I haven't done many of these types of one shots so I'm sorry that this is gonna be bad.

Everything was good for the most part. My Father was a mage and my mother wasn't. Father taught me his favorite kind of magic. It was two swords but you can use ice, water, fire and wind magic with both of them. the magic forms around the swords. The magic wasn't very strong but still it was so much fun learning it. My parents weren't alright with me leaving home but they couldn't stop fighting so I left. After about two years of walking around the world, I found two boys fighting in a field. Well two boys and a blue cat with wings. They seemed like they were just messing around from a distance, but then the cat spotted me.

"Natsu! Someone's watching us!" The blue cat shouted at the pink haired boy. Both boys looked in my direction. The other boy had raven hair and dark blue eyes.

"Do you know who that is?" The pink hair boy asked the raven hair boy. "No, I've never seen here. Why is she watching us?" The boy replied. The boys started fighting minutes later. They looked to be around my age, which was weird. Not many little kids have flying, talking cats or had a best friend. I missed my friends, a lot but I still don't to go back. After turning around and walking away from the field, their cat caught up to me.

"Hi! I'm Happy!" The cat smiled, "what's your name?" The boys must have sent the cat to ask me this. "Uhhhh..." I said quietly while looking around for them. I spotted them trying to hind by laying in the filed and listen in. Their hair gave them away, I looked back at Happy and replied, "My name's (y/n). Nice to meet you." Looking down and held out my hand to shake with his paw.

"Natsu!" Happy shouted, "her name is (y/n)!" Happy shook my hand and smiled as the boys walked over to me. "Hi! I'm Natsu!" The pink haired boy exclaimed. "My name is Gray, nice to meet you." The raven haired boy said and we shook hands. "What are you doing here?" Natsu asked. "I, um," I paused, "I'm just wondering around. That's all." All of them exchanged looks and turned back to me, I knew that I had to leave. "It was nice meeting you all. See you later." I said and walked away.

It's been a year since then, I saw them walking into a guild called Fairy Tail. They must have be wizards like me. I guess I didn't notice when I first met them. I looked in the window and saw them fighting with other kids. One of the older ones with red hair came from one of the back room to stop everyone. Natsu was pouting while Happy was eating a fish at a table. I looked around for Gray but didn't see him.

"Hey," someone said behind me, "(y/n) right?" Gray said as I turned around. I nodded my head, "yeah and you're Gray." He smiled, "yeah, long time no see. What are you doing here?" He asked. "Oh, I uh saw you and Natsu come in here a few minutes ago and wanted to see what it was all about." I replied. He smiled and took my hand, "then come one in! We won't bite, well Natsu might but I promise the rest of us won't." I nodded and we headed in.

A few days later I joined Fairy Tail. Erza and I became good friends and I went on quests with Natsu and Gray. A few years past and I was the happiest I've ever been. I finally found a home again.

After a few years, Natsu Gray and I became very close. I hear that both boys have crushes on me but I think that they are just kidding. I mean we're best friends. Plus if I pick one then what happens to the other? I was sitting at the bar drinking some water and reading a book. Natsu and Gray went on an mission without me last week because I wasn't feeling too good. Happy came in and flew over to me. "(Y/n)!" He shouted and landed on my head. "Hey Happy!" I smiled and picked him up and sat him down on the counter. "how was the mission?" I asked him. "It was fine but Natsu and Gray kept fighting so it took twice as long."

"What were they fighting about?" I asked, taking a sip of my water. The whole guild was listing in on our conversation. "Don't you see it already?" Happy asked. "They like you (y/n). I've tried to tell them they you won't choose one of them but they won't listen. Can you talk to them please?" I nodded my head, "of course where are they at?"

At the field where we first met. Happy told me that they wanted me to choose here and he went home. I looked around the field, a tree grew since the last time I was here. It was full of life, just like the two boys I met here.

"Hey, (y/n)," Gray said, stading next to the table I was sitting at. "Natsu and I were gonna go back to that field where we first met. Do you want to come with us?" He asked when I looked up from my book. "Of course." I smiled. It didn't change in a all that time but then again it was just a field with tall grass. "This place is boring, we should do something to it. Like leave a mark." Gray said, "okay, what do you suggest?" I replied. "We just burn it!" Natsu shouted, holding fire in his hands. "No!" Gray and I shouted at the same time.

After walking around and talking about what to do, while stopping Natsu from starting a fire, we decided on plating a tree. "That was it won't do any harm." Gray said while looking at Natsu, "and it will be here for awhile." I nodded my head, "okay, let's do it!"

The boys were standing under the tree waving me over. I smiled and ran over towards them. "Did Happy tell you..." Natsu asked. I nodded, "yeah, he did. But guys-" Gray cut me off, "before you say anything, just know that no matter what happens we will always be friends. All of us." "Okay then that makes it easier." I said with a weak smile. Both boys were staring at me, waiting for my answer. "I love you both so much, you brought me home and you are apart of my home. So I don't want to go out with either of you. I don't want to mess up what we already have."

Both of them smiled, "well that's good to know. Now Gray and I won't have to fight." Natsu said and smiled. "We were gonna fight of you picked one of us. Good thing you didn't other wise Natsu would be in the hospital again." Gray said, "oh yeah! Let's go right here right now!" Natsu shouted. "You're on!" At least somethings will never change.

Well, I'm not happy with this but like I said I haven't written many of these. Plus I've look around for one shots like this that but I couldn't find any. I'm sorry to the requester if this isn't what you wanted.


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