Phantom Troupe X Male! Child! Reader part two (Hunter X Hunter)

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Part two for this request!

We arrived at the hide out a few days later. "Stay here. Don't do anything stupid or you will die." Franklin said and Shizuku walks off with Franklin following behind. I sat on a rock staring at the ground.

At least it's better than home. I hope Lady Tusbaki and Mr.Hansuke will be okay.

They come back and get me a few minutes later. "Come," Shizuku said, " you have to meet the others."

I walked inside the building and saw six people standing and sitting on pieces of the fallen building.

A man with a tattoo on his forehead stared at me. "Alright let the meeting begin."

A man with long hair spoke next, "we shall have a vote on wether the child should stay or leave. If you vote for him to stay, raise your hand and call out your name."

I was put in the middle of the circle that they have formed around me.





The man spoke again, "now for the people who oppose."





So the man's name is Nobunaga. Why does he not want me here? And why do they want me to stay?

"It's a tie." Feitan says. "Yes it is. Okay then Chrollo, you are the tie breaker." Nobunaga said.

Chrollo started at me again. Like he was staring into my sole.

"Let him stay. I don't think that he will be a nuisance." Chrollo said.

I kepted a straight face but I was very excited.

Machi scoffed, "how is this child gonna help us! I bet he can't even fight!"

"Not yet but one day he will. When that day comes we will want him on our side." Chrollo said.

"What is his name?" Phinks asked.

"(Y/n)." I said in a mottotone voice.

The members looked at each other, "so that's why you brought him in?" Phinks said with a smirk, "if we all said no we would have held him for ransom, right Franklin?"

"Yeah, it was a win lose thing."

"More like a win, win." Said Feitan.

"That's enough." Chrollo said, "the boy will stay and we will train him. That is all for this meeting."

~time skip brought to you by me having an exam tomorrow and I should be studying HAHAHA no~

A few weeks have passed and I have learned all about (the power that you want.)

I've even gone on a few missions but they have only been small. I love the way Phinks kills his targets. Like twisting their necks is so cool!!!

I have gotten close to Shizuku, she's like my big sister. She may be forget full but I love the way she fights too!

Everyone helped me in so way of learning (power that you picked.) From them watching me in my cell to teaching me.

Yes they keep me in a cell but I don't mind it. I practice my (power) in my cell.

One day Chrollo walks up to me in my cell, "You have proven to have great power, (y/n), and even though we have agreed to keep you, you will stay here for ransom. I think you have already figured that out by now of course."

I nooded my head, "Machi and Nobunaga told me after a while. They said that it is fun to steal. But I don't understand, all of everyone's crimes are for fun?"

Chrollo smiled, "Yes, some of them are." He walked away, "in a few days you can come out."

~a few days later~

I woke up to the sound of shouting. My cell door was left open.

All the members were just talking, like a family would. Well, not my family.

I stayed in the dark, just watching them. "I wish I could have had this" I whispered to my self.

"Well, (y/n), you do." Shizuku said, "I'm like your big sister. Or at least I try to be."

I nooded my head, "that's cause you are my bid sister!"

"Then tell us about your family." Sharnalk said.

I nooded and told them everthing about the rich and famous (last name) family.

~A few weeks later~

"Your calling my parents for ransom?"

"Yeah, sorry kid but you are still not powerful enough to stay." Michi said.

"(Y/n), your Father would like to speak to you." Chrollo said, handing me the phone.

"It's okay son, I will be sending a squad team to come get you." He said.

"That would be useless Father. These people have treated me better than you and Mother ever have. Tell Lady Tusbaki and Mr.Hansuke I'm sorry."

I hung up and the Phantom Troupe looked surprise and a bit happy.

"Can I stay?" I asked.

"Of course, but training will be ruthless." Chrollo said, "you will be training under Phinks for now."

Phinks and I smiled. I have finally found my family.

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