Boruto X Reader (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) {Late Night Meets} Part 1

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Edit February 3, 2021: For real though this one shot shouldn't have a gender for the reader. Please let me know if this isn't true so that I can correct it.

"Another night under the stars." I said to no one was I sat on top of my house. It was around ten and Mother was already asleep. Not having school the next day really makes this even better, now that I can stay out longer. Of course I have a project due as soon as I go back, which is in two days.

I sighed and climbed back down after looking up at the stars for an hour and a half. I heard a kid scream, "Boruto! Boruto! There's something up on the house!" It was a little kid, no more than four. Another kid that looks around my age comes up to her, and says something. Then yells, "hey! What are you doing up there!"

I just ignored them and went back into my room via the window. About an hour after starting my project, I heard a small tap on the window. Thinking it was a stupid bug flying into the window, I ignored it. Until it happened again, and again, and again. I stood up furiously from my desk and opened the window, only to have a small rock thrown in my face. It hit my forehead, thank goodness. 

"Would you come down here so I don't have to shout?" The kid my age, who turns out is a guy, asks. I nodded and closed the window. I changed into normal clothes, turning off all the lights in the room, carefully walking down the stairs and finally shutting the door as softly as possible. 

I found the guy standing outside my window. "Are you okay?" He asked. I gave him a puzzled look. "Oh, sorry! My name's Boruto. My sister saw you on your roof and I came over here to see if you were okay."

I smiled, "yep! I'm just fine, really. Name's (y/n), nice to meet you." I replied, holding out my hand to shake.

'Oh no,' I thought, 'really holding out your hand to shake! Who does that! This is why you should never leave your room kids! Kids? No one is hearing this. This isn't some weird fanfic!'

He smiled back and shook my hand. We both let go and stood there awkwardly. He laughed, "sorry this is so awkward, I don't talk to many people."  I shook my head, "it's okay I'm the same way." 

'People, stagers, family, cute boys that start throwing rocks at your window and midnight.' I thought, 'I mean that's completely normal. Just some cute blonde haired guy showing up and is just was awkward  as you are. Yep that happens all the time.'

'But damn he's cute.'

We both just stood there for a while, not knowing what to say or when to leave. So to break the silence I asked, "is your sister okay? She didn't freak out too much or anything, right?" He nodded, "to be honest I think she needed that. You know, to scream at something."

I nodded, but for once I wanted to know more. "Are you guys okay?" I asked. He didn't do anything for a moment but then said, "no, not really. We're..... not doing great at the moment."

"Do you want to-" he cut me off, "yes! But I don't want to put all that negative on you. Especially right outside your house."

"Then let's go get something to eat, you can bring you sister if you want." I suggested. 

"She's asleep but yeah, that sounds great. But I need to get some money so-"

This time I cut him off, "nope. I have some, just don't go crazy and I'll pay."

He was about to argue with me but I gave him a don't-you-dare look and be backed off. "Okay then, but I'm paying you back." He said and smiled.

I took him to this place that was open for night owls or people who are drunk and need food.

We placed our orders and sat down at one of the table close to the wall. "Whenever you're ready." I said.

He took in a deep breath, "my parents are doing so good. Money hasn't been spent in the right way and it's effecting my sister. It's effecting myself as well but I don't care. My sister can't take them yelling at each other all the time."

"And then at school I get made fun of for not having the least and greatest pair of shoes. Why does that even matter! It's just shoes! All it does is make sure your not barefoot! Why should all the matter!" He shouted. Good thing no other costumers were here.

Our food arrived and we ate in silence. After that, we walked over to the beach. "Wanna just stay here?" I asked, he nodded his head and we sat down in the sad.

Time passed by as the waves rolled in and out. I found a stick and started righting in the sand. "I agree with you 100%."

I handed him the stick. "I'm sorry for going off but I needed that. That you for not over reacting or leaving."

"Why would a person leave when someone needs them?"

"They get freaked out."

"Has that happened to you before?"

"Yeah, it has."

"What do you want to do once you're out of school?" I asked.

"I want to open up my own store. Have my own place where my sister can stay if she needs to. What about you?"

"I'm not sure. Just a place that's anywhere but here."

This went on for another hour or so. We both decided it was time to leave. As we were walking back, we talked about all the anime we have watched. Turns out I had a lot in common with someone who lived so close.

"So do I get to see you again?" He asked as we arrived at my house. 

"If you want to." I replied.

"Do you want me to see you again?" He said with a smile.

"Do you want me to want you to see me again?" 

"W-wait what?"

I laughed, "how about the beach tomorrow?"

He nodded, "yeah about six. Then we can get something to eat. But I'll pay."

I smiled, "there's no way I'm saying no to free food."

He smiled, kissed my cheek, and ran off.

Can you believe that I posted twice in a week!? I brought back the banana head! After like a year of not posting about him he's back! Anyway I'm going to sleep now. I hope you guys have a great week and tell me what you think of this one!


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