Naruto X Fem!Reader (Naruto) {Protect Our "Family"} Part 2

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Did I forget about this one shot I wrote two years ago? Yes. Am I now just realizing that I did forget because someone pointed it out to me and asked if there was going to be a second part? Yes. Am I so glad that the person did point this out to me? Yes. Thank you soooooooooo much to the person who asked if there was going to be a second part because I forgot I even wrote the first part! Anyway I hope you guys like it!

"What!?" Naruto shouted, "when!?"

"Right now dumbass! Now run!" Tatsu shouted before she started to cough, "I'll hold them off for as long as I can!"

Naruto's face got serious. He was always cheery and full of life, trying to keep everyone in this place happy and healthy. But when it comes to us, corner kids, he would drop everything for us. So when Tatsu told us I was being taken away, I knew his next move.

Naruto grabbed my hand and took off running down the hallway, dragging me along with him. We both made sure not to talk, making sure not to give our location away. Since we were the oldest kids, the owner knows all about us. Naruto and I made sure she would never find out about the other corner kids and what we did to help everyone here.

We slammed the back door open and ran for the fence, "go!" Naruto shouted as I began to climb, "I'm right behind you, I'll make sure you won't fall." He said in a calm voice. Once I made it to the top, I pulled him up and looked down at the ground. It seemed like the land went on forever. Naruto put his hand on my shoulder, "come on, let's go find Sasuke."

"But what about Tatsu and Kazumi? And everyone else here!" I shouted, my body began to shake.

"We'll come back and get them all out. Or at least give them everything they need to live here." He replied, taking my hand once again. "It's our time to leave. Or you can go with the person trying to take you away. The choice is yours."

Naruto and I jumped down from the fence and began running. "There's no way I'm leaving you behind. We'll be back, Tatsu, Kazumi, everyone." I said softly.

"(Y/n)! Naruto!" The owner shouts could be heard in the distance, "get your asses back here!"

"(Y/n)!" A familiar voice called.

We made sure to never stop running.


It's been a month since we ran away from that place. Naruto and I checked the news everyday to see if anything was being said about us. Of course nothing ever was. Naruto and I stopped running once we got into town. We both had jobs with the same company. It was simple, just stocking the shelves and cleaning the store. The store was small so it was just the two of us. We have been working here for about a year now, so the owner trusted us with a key and said we could spend the night until the morning works came. 

Naruto and I knew that we couldn't stay here long. We got our pay and left the last night of the month.

"On the road again." Naruto said with a sigh, "at least we have money now."

"Yeah, we had to leave everything behind. I'm sorry."

"Didn't I tell you to stop apologizing?"

I nodded my head, "yeah..."

"This isn't your fault, you know corner kids would never let them take you away."

"What if I could have gotten you guys out too?" I asked him, looking over to see is facial expression. 

"We wouldn't have stayed. We all agreed that if one of us leaves we all leave. The younger kids may not understand now but they will later on." Naruto said, looking straight ahead, "like you said, we'll be back for them."

Looking back down at the ground, "I hope you're right."

"Right about what?" He asked.

"Us going back to them."


"Finally, we made it." Naruto said, "it's about time we got here."

"Konaha, it's real after all."

Naruto snapped his head over to me, "did you think it was fake or something?"

"Back at the place I did. After all it sounded like a dream to me."

Naruto's face softened, "yeah... how long has it been since we left?"

"Three months and fifteen days." I replied without thinking. "Do you think Sasuke is here?"

"See for yourself." Naruto said and pointed straight ahead. The raven haired man was standing a few feet away from us. 

"S-Sasuke?" I whispered and he waved at us. For the first time, he was smiling.

I ran over and hugged him, he almost fell over when he caught me. "Your here? You've been here this whole time?"

He nodded, "yes. I'm sorry I never came back. Didn't have enough money to get you guys out. We always talked about coming here one day. I knew when I left that you guys would know where to come and find me at. I missed you, I missed you both so much." Sasuke hugged me tight as Naruto made his way over to us.

Sasuke looked at him, "hey."

"Hey." Naruto replied as I let go of Sasuke. The two did a fist bump, "missed you man. How have you been?"

"Okay, missed you to bro."

We then did a group hug. No tears fell. It felt safe for once. We felt like a family again.


"Here it is," Sasuke said as he opened the door to his apartment, "it's not much but it was just me living here."

Sasuke showed us his place. It had two bedrooms and two bathrooms, a small kitchen and a little place to hang out at. All the rooms were small but it was just him living here.

"Why did you get a place with two bedrooms?" Naruto asked even though we both knew the answer.

"Well you two always slept in the same bed when I was with you. You both knew I needed my own space and that bitch wouldn't let us have three beds when we were kids. I knew that I would bring you back one day, always hoped we could live like a family until you guys found places of your own." Sasuke said looking at us the whole time, "heated being here on my own." He said and chocked back a few tears, "I was all alone again."

"Not for one more second." I said and Naruto gave him a hug. "We're family man, we would never let you be alone." Naruto said to him softly, "(Y/n) and I are here now, you won't have to be alone anymore." I joined in on the hug as we all started crying. It was midnight on a hot summer day.

Naruto and I went to sleep in the spare room sleeping next to each other. Naruto wrapped his arms around me, "love you." He whispered. "Love you too, Naruto."

And there is your part two after waiting two years! I know it's boring but I forgot what the part two was going to be. Which makes sense, since part one was made two years ago. Anyway, I should get back to studying for exams. Yay.


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