Rogue X Reader (Fairy Tail) {Fixing Each Other Up}

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Edit February 3, 2021: One shot should be free of pronouns and other forms of gender for the reader. Let me know if you see anything and I will correct it. Thank you!

We started walking back to the guild with shaky breaths. Blood covered my face and arms while cuts and scratches covered my legs. Rogue was mostly covered and blood with a large amount of gashes all over his body.

Hands shaking as we walked back down the dirt road. This job was more than what was told. This job has messed up our heads for good. We will be the same person as we left, but that won't be for many, many years.

Thank goodness Frosh didn't come along with us. Would have been nice if he could fly us back to the guild. After what just happened, I would never let anyone have to go through with that. We didn't play this the smart way. I wanted to blame it on the job request flyer but I can't. This was bigger than Rogue and I could have ever imagined.

I couldn't bring myself to go back to the guild, Rogue followed me back to my house. It was a cool summer night, thankfully no one was out. Then again it was three going on four in the morning. Even the people who decided to get drunk have gone to sleep. 

We dragged our feet through the town as fast as we could. We were walking like we had to go somewhere we didn't want to be. Both of us were so shaken up about this. We aren't special, but now we're different.

I unlocked the door and we stumbled inside. Rogue flopped down on my bed as I went to get my first aid kit.

Walking over to him with a shaking body is never a good sign. I began to clean him up by first getting all of the dried blood off his arms. He took my hand held onto it very lightly. I winced and he let go. He lightly took my other hand and began to clean it. Once I ran out of rubbing alcohol, my legs wanted to collapse and fall onto the floor. I stayed strong and walked into the bathroom once more to fined more.

I came back with more and found Rogue trying to badge his arm. I took the box of patches away from him and began to patch his arm for him. He mumbled and soft, "thank you." As he watched me, making sure that I wouldn't hurt him.

I nodded and whispered, "of course."

After I cleaned off all the blood on him and patched all his scratches, which were deeper than I thought, he began to clean the blood off my face. The moonlight was still our only way of seeing each other.

"Are we gonna talk about it?" He asked finally breaking the silence.

"I don't want to." I replied, picking up the box of patches. Only to find the box empty.

I sighed and stood up, but Rogue stopped me, "I'll get them. Under the sink and to the left in the middle of the black container, right?" He said trying to make me smile and himself. 

I nodded, "yes."

He cam back a few minutes later to find me leaning against the wall, still sitting on the bed. He walks up to me until he is looming over me. He opened the box of bandaids and started to cover my cuts and scratches with them.

"You need to get more supplies after this." 

"No kidding." I replied, closing my eyes.

"Don't you dare close your eyes. We are going to talk about this weather you like it or not." He snapped.

I opened my eyes to find his red ones staring at me. 

"(Y/n) we had to." He started, "they were a dark guild this will make things easier in the long run."

"We don't choose who lives or dies Rogue! They were still people." I said.

"They were demons and you know it."

"They were people! They were once people! It doesn't matter what they were at the point we still killed humans or something that was human!" I shouted back at him.

He stayed silent. Once he was done fixing up all my cuts and scratches he collapsed onto the bed.

"We have to tell Sting what happened. We don't have a choice." Rogue whispered.

I looked over at him. He was now laying down on the bed staring up at the ceiling. The moonlight missed his face but covered his torso, exposing all the patches and bandaids. He's can't be as bad as his arms. After all, he was covering his face so none of the dirt would get into his eyes.

"I know that." I replied, "he's the guild master after all." I didn't move from the wall. I wanted to, I wanted to be next to Rogue and help him get through this. Moving wasn't an option. 

A few minutes passed and he notices this. "Can you move?"

I raised both arms slightly, "for now, this is it. I can't move my legs."

He tries to sit up and winces from the pain, I shook my head and looked him in the eye. "Don't, please don't. You and I both need rest. We will skip going to the guild, Sting will bring Frosh with him and find us here. Then we can explain everything."

He nods up and tries to sit up again, succeeding this time. "Why can't you move?"

"Too many cut on the back of my legs. Plus you need to lay down, I sleep sitting up most of the time anyway."

He dismissed the last part of my answer and pulled my down, making sure my legs were on the bed. "Never cover me again, do you hear me?" He whispered, "let me see your back."

I lifted up my shirt slowly to reveal more cuts, deeper than the ones on his arms.

"Damn it (Y/n)." He mumbled. "And you're all out of bandaids, patches and even rubbing alcohol. Why didn't you tell me they were this bad?"

"Because I knew that I had to fix you up first. Plus they aren't that bad, they'll heal." I replied in a soft voice.

He buried my face in his chest and said, "don't even protect me. I know that's what you're famous for but look at what should've happened to me. Damn it (y/n) I know you said that you'd protect me but this is too far. You don't die for you friends, you live for them. And damn it all to Edolas you don't die for your boyfriend." 

"I know that..." I mumbled.

"Then why? Why would you do that!? You know that I couldn't live with myself if something worse happened to you!" Sobs took over his voice. "You were right, we shouldn't have taken this."

"I'm glad we did because I know that we can make through this. You are strong all on your own and-"

"Because you make me stronger." He cut me off.

"We can and will make it through this. Like you said, they weren't human anymore."

Silence filled the room for a few minutes.

"I'll get some more supplies when the stores open." I said, "you stay here and rest."

He shook his head, "Sting and Frosh can get that when they find us. Which will be in a few hours. Let's sleep and face the rest of today later."

I nodded and he kissed the top of my head, "please don't get hurt like this again." 

I closed my eyes, "no promises."

Trying to bring on the feels while I'm half asleep. I am now back because my exams for this semester are over! Anyway I'm going to sleep now. 


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