Shikamaru X Fem!Reader (Naruto) {Our Story}

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Day after day, week after week, year after year, I'm still in love with you. To be honest we shouldn't be in love.

'It was a head on collision, no one was driving while drunk, on their phones, talking or anything, it was just a freak accident."

To be honest, I thought he was gonna leave, after the car crash.

"The girlfriend of the seventeen year old boy was in the car was not in the car with him when the accident happened."

I take her hand, "I'll never leave you, not now, not ever."

I look him in the eye, "I wish I knew that when you are the brink of death."

"Reporter Ten-Ten is at the seen now, Ten-Ten, can you tell us what happened?"

I laughed, "you know that I was never going to leave my high school sweetheart, or the kid."

I laughed, "well you did scare us for a while, you're damn eyes won't open, I though you were gone."

"Well, Ino, like you said this was a head on collision, one of the victims, Sasuke, is fine. The other man in the other car........ well.......... he's in the hospital, and that's where reporter Sai is reporting in from. Sai, can you tell us how is that man doing right now?"

"You know that I wouldn't leave Shikadai alone, with no father, that would be a disaster!"

"Hey! What about me! And that wouldn't be! Then he wouldn't complain about everything being a drag!"

"We don't know much, only that he is in critical condition. His girlfriend is in there with him right now, and refuses to answer any questions. Back to you Ino."

I laughed, "I would be dead inside with out you. Thank goodness you weren't in the car with me." I looked down at the fourteen year ago old Shikadai, "you too kid."

"I'm not a kid dad. I'm fourteen!" I shouted, I could barely hear what I was saying. I should really turn down my music.

"I love you guys!" I said at I hugged (y/n) and Shikadai. "I'll never leave you guys." I said, and started crying.

"We love you too, right Shikadai?" I said, and hugged Shikamaru back.

"Yeah, whatever." I said, to be honest, I hope I never lose anyone in my family. One day...... one day mother and father are gonna need me to protect them. I will, even if it cost me my life. "Oh I got to go guys. I have to meet Boruto."

"Ok, just back come back. You have school in two days. Just be back by then."

My eyes lit up. Mother is never this nice about when I have to be back home, "don't worry I will. I promise!" I said, and ran out the door.

"Wow you are never this nice about curfew. Did you-"

"Oh come on! We both know how we were when we were teens. Staying out until midnight or later. I just want to give the kid some freedom. Is there a problem with that?"

"What a dr-"

"Don't you dare!"

A/n: well that didn't go as planned. Oh well. If you're confused about who's who's

This is Shikamaru

This is (y/n)


And this is the news

And this is me, author~chan. Yeah I had a complete different idea for this one shot. But it worked out......... kind off.

~Dragneel out

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