Pro Hero! Katsuki Bakugou X Villain! Reader (My Hero Academia) {Revenge}

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(Edit: February 3, 2021: Honestly this one shot is hot garbage but it is pronoun and gender free for the reader. If you read something that says otherwise, please let me know and I will correct it. Thank you!)

Why not?

(V/n) = villain name

Trigger warnings:         gets very heavy and lots of cussing

"(V/n) is still on a rampage. Please do not leave the area until further notice, now let's go to chopper nine who is on the scene-"

A loud crash was heard, then an explosion. 

The news reporter froze, "uh..." another explosion and the channel went out.

"Do you really think that..." All Might asked his former students, Mina and Denki.

"Yeah..." Mina replied, "Bakugou is them fight right now..."

"There's no telling what he'll do," Denki added, "but you think so too? Even though everything about them has changed?"

All Might nods, "there's no doubt in my mind it's not them."

The former classmates -- now both pro heroes-- stared at each other in both angry and sadness.

"They even used their hero name as their villain name..." Mumbled All Might, "how did I not see this coming?"

Mina shakes her head, "none of us saw this coming."

"She's right."  Added Denki, "how could you have own someone who was trying to become a hero would choose the path of a villain?"

"You can." All Might spit, he was very angry with himself. "They way they are treated, the way they take everything one step too far in the name of justice. Yes, not everyone like that turns out this way but someone always does."

The others were silent, there was nothing they could do. "So this is it, huh?" Denki said.

"Yeah looks like it." Mina says, "we're trapped here unless Bakugou does something."

All of the pro heroes, civilians were taken to an underground bunker away from (V/n). Bakugou went out on his own just before the door closed. Once the door to the bunkers were closed, there was no way back in. 

"Come on Bakugou," All Might clinched his fists, "you can do it."


Bakugou slams into the building and slides down onto the road. He's breathing is now heavy as he stares up at the building in front of him. He glares up, "hey! (Y/n)!"

No responce.

"You fucking piece of shit!" He stands up, "I know you can fucking hear me! What the hell are you doing, huh?!"

(V/n) jumps down from the building, leading perfectly. They tilt their head to the side, "what is it Kacchan?"

Rage fills Bakugou, "don't call me that you mother fucker!" He raise his hand to (V/n), "you don't have the right!" He fires and the building in front of him collapses. 

"Why don't I have the right?" (V/n) appears from behind him, punching him to the ground but Bakugou reacts by twisting his arm and firing at them.

"You are nothing like him!" He shouts and fires again, "you will never be anything like him!"

(V/n) gets up with a smile on their face, "what does 'Kacchan' have anything to do with him?"

"Only he can call me that!" He shouts.

"Even though you treated him worse than anyone else?! Even though it was Ochaco who fixed the horrible nickname you gave him?!" They sprint forward and sucker punch Bakugou in the face, "why shouldn't I torture you just like how you tortured him!"

(V/n) walks over to Bakugou and pulls him off the ground by his collar, "he gave me his quirk after all." 

Both of them were almost at their limits. They were both beaten to a blood pulp. The fact that they are still able to move is amazing.

Bakugou only had one choice but first, "I know that damn it!"

(V/n) threw him back down on the ground, Bakugou looks up at them, "but do you know why?"

"He gave you his quirk because he trusted you to do the right thing. So tell me," Bakugou looks at him dead in the eyes, "is this the right thing? Destroying the thing he died protecting?"

"Exactly, he died because that was his job." (V/n) replied, "he thought that hero's were only good for protecting. To the point where he died doing just that. So why wouldn't I revenge for him by destroying the very thing that killed him?"

"Damn it (Y/n)! Do you hear what you are saying?!" Bakugou shouts, strugglingly to stand up. (V/n) moves to hold him in place by stepping on his chest. "What the hell happened to you!? You went pro! You were at the top!"

"None of that ever mattered to me dumbass." They press down harder on his chest.

"Then where's the person I knew back in high school!? The person who would never stop train in order to protect this damn country!" He shouts.

"They're dead." (V/n) takes their foot off of Bakugou and kicks him into another building. 

Bakugou was now where he needed to be, but he had to get (V/n) close. 

"You know out of everyone in that damn school, I never would have thought you would have become a villain." He said, standing up by leaning against the building he was thrown into. "Even I didn't become a villain. But if I did," he raises his hand slightly, "I would have been the best damn villain this world has even scene."

(V/n) didn't move an inch from where they were standing.

"Still, I'm a damn good hero."

They chuckle, "I built that bunker you know. I know that place better than anyone. You can't fool me by blowing the ground up and trapping me down there."

Bakugou sighs, "well shit that's was my best plan."

(V/n) laughs, "you never were the best at planning. But I'll tell you what, stop fighting me and I won't kill you. But you'll never be a hero after today."

Bakugou smirks, "no can do you fucking monster. I worked my ass off to get to where I am now, there's no way in heaven or hell I'm letting you stop me again. Besides, I have your trapped now too.

"You can't move a single step without being on top of the bunker. You're also super close to going way beyond your limit. There's not a way to kill me without getting close to me, right? Looks like we're gonna be here for awhile. So let's pass the time, you piece of shit, what's your plan after this?"

(V/n) shrugs, they were trapped just as well as he was so why not play along. "That all depends on what happens after this. Maybe I won't destroy anymore place or maybe I will. Who knows, life is full of mystery. How about you?"

"I'll be visiting you in prison."


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