Yū Nishinoya X Reader (Haikyuu!!) {Here To Help}

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Still on season two of this anime, but I'm already in love with it!

Edit February 3, 2021: Yet another one shot with a no gender or pronouns reader. Let me know if you read something that says otherwise. Thank you!

"Now, everyone will have to do pages 234 and 236 over the weekend. This is to help prepare you for the exams." Our math teacher told the class. We all sighed, except Yū who was sound asleep. The teacher let it slide this time, after all we just got back from summer break.

I smiled down at him, knowing I would have to give him my notes from each class. Yū works himself to the bone and never skips practice. Usually I have to walk him home incase he passes out. The last bell rang and he shot up and looked over at me, "I fell asleep again!" He groaned and hid is face with his hands. 

"Relax, I got notes. I'll teach you what we learned. That may never change." 

He nodded his head, "thank you." Yū stood up and grabbed his bag, "will you be here after practice?" 

"Always." I replied, collecting all my items off of the desk. As I put them into my bag, a hand tilted my face upwards. Yū kissed me softly and smiled, "see you then." I returned the smile, "see you."

He raced out of the room to go get changed and start practice. I smiled at him, almost always full of energy. The class glared at us, most of them want what we have. The ability to last more than a month in a relationship is very rare in this class.


I was sitting in the library when the door slammed open, a person running inside shouted, "(y/n)!" Tanaka appeared and spotted me. "It's Nishinoya!"

After throwing everything into my bag, we raced back to the gym. They let me run into the gym with the shoes I had on. Yū was laying down on his stomach near the wall. "He slid after receiving the ball." Daichi explained to me as we ran towards him. "No one knows him better than you do, Sensei and Coach Ukai aren't here today."

"So you called me in, wise choice." I said and we reached Yū, "how long has he been like this?"

 "He was mumbling your name over and over again." Daichi replied, "he wanted to see you before anyone else." 

I nodded and got down onto the floor, bring out my medical kit. Times like this makes it worth carrying it around everyday.

"Alright! That's enough for today! No more practice, clean up and go home!" The captain yelled and nodded over at the mangers, signaling for them to leave as well. The girls nodded back and worked together to make the clean up process faster.

I flipped the libero on his back and looked at his face, "(y-y/n)?" He asked, "you're here?"

"Tanaka came and got me, where did you get hurt at?" 

Yū tried to sit up, "I'm fine, just need a break-" he winced in pain and fell back onto the floor. 

"That's what you get for acting tuff." He smiled at me, "now where are you hurt?"

"His right leg and wrist." Daichi shouted from across the room, "that's where he got hurt." 

Yū and I both chuckled, "thanks!" I shouted back and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Is it your knee again?" He nodded, "and you hut your wrist too hard on the ground?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about this." 

Shaking my head, I began to bandage up his knee, "no need to be sorry. This is one of the reason why I want to become a nurse."

"To help people even when they don't want to be helped, right?"

Blushing, I replied with, "guess I say it too often."

"Or maybe I'm a good listener." 

"This wouldn't have happened if you do listen."

Yū chuckled, "I listen...... sometimes."

"No kidding." Kageyama mumbled from across the gym.

"Shut up!" Yū yelled and made an effort to get up again. This time I held him down.

"Not so fast, still got to fix your wrist." 

After bandaging his knee and wrist, Daichi and I pulled him up off the floor. "Can you walk?" Asked the captain. 

Daichi and I both kept one hand on Yū's incase he couldn't. Yū started to fall forward and I made sure to catch him. "Looks like you're falling for me all over again." I teased and we carried him out of the gym.

"Will you be able to take him home?" Daichi asked, his face full of concern.

"Of course, this isn't the first time you know." He nodded and was relieved by my words. After all, the captain lived further away from Yū than I did. It would have been rude of me to let him carry Yū home when I could do it myself.

It was silent for awhile, nothing but other volleyball players from Karasuno were heard.

About half way to Yū's house, he broke the silence. "I'm sorry this keeps happening. I'm sorry that you always have to walk home with me. I'm sorry I'm just a crappy boyfriend." 

I looked at the boy who had his arm around my shoulder, "why on Earth would you be sorry? Sure you push yourself too hard and end up getting hurt, but that's how you improve. How can you be a crappy boyfriend when I see you everyday and get to walk home with you! This gives me peace of mind knowing that you're safe."

He smiled weakly at me, "thank you, (y/n). I love you."

I kissed his lips softly, "love you too. Ready to learn about math?"

He groaned, "do I have too?"

"If you want to play volleyball, yes."

He playfully rolled his eyes, "at least I have a cute teacher."

Honestly I love Nishionya. I've wanted to write about him for some time now and this was the only idea I came up with. Being on break has been so nice, I'm trying to post as much as I can before exams hit. 


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