Sasuke X Reader X Naruto (Naruto) {Revenge}

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This is a request! This is my second time doing a one shot like this (example is person x reader x person) so I apologize if this is not what you wanted!

Edit February 3, 2021: This one shot should be free of gender for the reader. If I am wrong, please tell me and I will correct it.

"Naruto! Sasuke!" The teacher yelled. The two boys started fighting in front of me. They both knew I didn't like them but they both didn't give up. The other boys gave up after a while but these two are still fight over me. Well "over me" like I said I told both of them I didn't see them like that. We were just friends, it was always the three of us. I became friends with Naruto a long time ago. I didn't see him for many years, until we started school. Sasuke's clan and my clan got along very well, so I saw him all the time. Of course that was before, well you know.

Once school was over, the three of us walked home. With me standing in the middle. "You guys need to stop this already. Seriously." I huffed. "We won't stop until you choose one of us." Sasuke said and Naruto nodded. The two glared at each other and I sighed, "I told you both that I don't like either of you. Or anyone at the moment." We came to the road where we all go our separate ways, I waved to both of them and continued walking. I was thinking about what I was gonna cook for dinner when I caught the awful smell. I figured it was my little brother trying to cook again and my uncle and mother didn't find him in time to stop him, again. Then I saw red footprints leading to the woods. My heart rate sped up. I stood there, staring at the foot prints. Deciding whether to follow them before it gets dark or head inside to see what's going on. I raced inside, call out all my family members.

I heard a scream. It was my little brother, he was calling out my name. "(Y/n)! Save me! Please!" He shouted, I was still running towards him, but another voice laughed. "That bitch can't save you now!" I froze, I knew if I rushed in there, we would both be killed and the person would get away. I heard foot steps from behind me, I snapped my head around to see Sasuke, holding out his hand. He didn't say anything. I was still frozen in place. "(Y/n)! Help me! Please someone help me!" My little brother cried out, he screamed in pain. Sasuke grabbed my arm and put hid other hand over my month. He dragged me out of there, as my little brother was being tortured. My screams and cry's for my little brother were muffled by Sasuke's hand. He knew that I would have been dead, I can't save my little brother, who wasn't even in school yet, or my clan.

Once we were off the property, Sasuke took my over to Nartuo's place. I stood there like a zombie while Sasuke told Naruto the story. Naruto pulled me into a tight hug, I just stood there. I didn't say anything as they both took one of my hands in theirs and guided me to the couch. The two were silent for a while, but started talking after a while. My eyes started to close, still no tears have fell. No words came out of my mouth, I leaned my head back against the back of the couch and pulled my knees up to my chest. "I will find that person, and kill them with my two hands." I said coldly and closed my eyes. Sasuke chuckled, "that makes two of us. Looks like we'll both leave one day to the village." "That's not fair! Don't leave me by myself!" Naruto said. I fell asleep to the sound of my two best friends talking.

~A few years later~

"You ready to go?" I looked over at Sasuke, he nodded. "Yeah, I've been ready for a long time." We walked out of the village after we made sure that Naruto was asleep and no one would see us. Finally after almost seven years I get my revenge. I found out the kill was payed to kill my family and that he loves watching little kids scream and beg for their lifes. It was just as sick and twisted but I had many people to kill. I'm not dragging the assassins family or the assassin that payed her into any of this. They are not apart of this.

"So, your target is closest. Right?" I looked over and asked Sasuke. He nodded, "yeah. It will take a few days away so it's not too far." I nodded and we continued walking for a bit. After a while, Sasuke asked, "are you really okay with this?" I smiled, "do you remember that day when i found out the people I'm gonna kill?" I replied, he nodded. "Remember how I couldn't sleep without someone in the room with me?" He nodded once again and I continued. I let out a deep, creepy chuckle, "that happened because all I could think about is how I would kill them. They took almost everything away from me, and for what? To know that they both kill a clan? But what they don'tr know is that they missed on. I will be the one who spills their blood. Just like what they did to my clan. Is that not how you feel?" I asked Sasuke. "Maybe not that dark, or maybe just a different kind of darkness." He replied. "Care to explain?" I asked, he nodded.

"Just like you I wanted to be strong to kill my older brother, as you already know. But I want to fight him, not just kill him. Like I don't want to kill him the easy way, I want to make sure that he knows that I'm stronger than him when he takes his final breath. You on the other hand want to kill them slowly, like they did with you little brother." No words were said after that for a while. We had decided ahead of time that we would travel at night. We found a cave to sleep in when the sun started to rise.

Once we had arrived at the place Sasuke will kill his older brother, he grabbed my arm and stared into my eyes. "I know you and I know that you will interfere if anything goes wrong on my end. I will only ask you once, don't. This is my fight and if I die than you'll have to go on without me. Got it?" I nodded, "I swear I won't, but I will keep watch. You can't stop me from doing that." I replied, in the same cold tone as he spoke in. "Fine." He walked to the place, the place where he will kill his older brother.

Days have passed by, all the people we both wanted dead have finally been killed. Sasuke is still in a bad mental state. I'm worried about him, but I don't say anything. After all, he had to pull me away from killing an already dead women and man. The assassin didn't put up any sort of fight, the one who hired her did. Funny right? Not laughing but I guess it's weird. Range over came me in those moments. I wasn't the same person during that time. Still, I made sure to protect Sasuke. We both decided to stay away from the village for now anyway. One day we will return to Naruto, I felt bad for leaving him but I think he will understand.

Okay I hate the way this turned out. I had other plans for this, like this was gonna be longer but I wasn't 100% sure that I was gonna do for that so I'll just leave it here. If the person that requested this would like to do an part two then please let me know. If I make a part two I'll be when Sasuke and (Y/n) return and they will go over memories about all the good times they had with each other, the three of them. And also what happened with other stuff. I don't know. I'm really sorry that this isn't what I had planned. I'm very sorry to the requester as well.


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