Laxus X Neutral! Reader (Fairy Tail) {Roommates} Part Three

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I think like three people wanted a part three and here it is!

"So it's your last night," Mirajane said as she poured me a glass of water. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I hang out with my friend with she's working?" (Y/n) snapped but didn't give Mirajane a chance to reply. "Is that a crime now!?"

Mirajane gives them a sad smile, "so you're not taking this very well."

"I am taking this very well thank you." (Y/n) drinks the shot of water, "hit me." They slide the shot glass back over to Mirajane.

"Drinks shots of water isn't going to help." Mirajane sighs, pouring them another shot and slides it back over to her.

"Even if this was alcohol it wouldn't help." They drink the shot, "getting drunk will only make things worse."

"Then go home (Y/n). Go see him," Mirajane takes the glass away from them. "He must be wondering where you are by now."

(Y/n) scoffs, "yeah right. I bet he wouldn't miss me."

"Cut the act already!" A voice boomed from the front doors. Mirajane smiled once she saw who it was. "You can't fool her, she already knows." Laxus puts his hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders, making them turn around to face him.

Laxus leans down and kissed (Y/n) and pulls away quickly. "Come on, it's about time you come home." (Y/n), still shocked by his actions, is taken away by Laxus holding their hand. "See you." Laxus waved to Mirajane who waved back and said, "bye lovers!"


"What was that all about?" (Y/n) asked the tall mage. "It isn't like you to do something like that."

"And what were you doing at the guild? This is our last night together you know." Laxus huffed, "I thought we agreed to hang out."

"When I came back from my job I didn't see you here, so I went to hang out with Mirajane for awhile until you got back." (Y/n) replied in a harsh tone. "Where were you at?"

Laxus points to the bag resting on the kitchen counter, "picking up (favorite sweet) from the small bakery across town. Looks like being nice isn't good enough for you."

(Y/n) was taken back by this, Laxus would never do something like this. Then again maybe he had changed. For a moment at least.

"I'm sorry." (Y/n) said in a hurry, "I'm so so so so sorry. Let's not waste anymore time with excuses. Do you still want to hang out?"

Laxus's face softens, "of course we are going to hang out. Come here." Holds his arms out and lets (Y/n) walk into them. "It's our last night here." He kisses the top of their head, "let's make it count."

"Board games?"

"Board games." Laxus confirmed, "and card games with (favorite sweet) to eat."

(Y/n) wraps their arms around him a little tighter, "and what about tomorrow? What will we do then?"

"Well we have to leave this place, but we don't have to leave each other. Did you find a place to stay?"

They nod, "yes a place for both of us. It doesn't cost too much and it has enough space for both of us. I talk to the owner before going on my job, they said we can move in as early as the day after tomorrow."

"The day after, why is that?" Laxus asks, they are still standing in each others arms.

"Th owner said that they have to make sure the money is good in all. We would have to sign all the paper work and stuff before we can move in. Don't you want to look at it first?" (Y/n) asked, looking up at Laxus.

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