Leorio x Chubby! Fem! Reader (Hunter X Hunter) {Board Game Night}

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This is a request! But I have free rang~ I have you know that I didn't like Leorio until my friend told me he punches Gon's dad in the face. I now have nothing but respect for this man. And I swear I'll finish this show one of these days....

The room was filled with heavy tension. Everyone was glaring at each other with we sat around the small tea table. Except for Gon who had a happy, innocent smile on his face. Even though he was the one who had the most cards in his hand.

"This is fun!" He beams, either not getting the tension in the air or is just choosing to ignore it. Killua and (Y/n) were glaring daggers at each other. Both of them only had one card left and Leorio was the only person who stood on their way.

Leorio looked down at his hand, there wasn't anything he could play to make sure the two couldn't win. He sighed and laid down a blue six. All eyes were on (Y/n) now, who is smirking.

She looks at the boys and her smile grows bigger.

"We've lost..." Killua sighs, laying down his remaining card face down.

She then picks up a card, her smiling still plastered on her face. But after drawing five more, the smile was faded away. The boys were happy at first, knowing they still had a chance to win. After the fourth card though, they felt bad for the poor girl.

(Y/n) closed her eyes and picks up a card. She jumps out of her seat and slams it down on the table. "Draw four! Yellow!"

Gon smirks and looks over at Killua who was sitting next to him. He had four cards left in his hand. He lays down a draw four and smiles widely. "Blue!"

Killua looks down at his land card and sighs with defeat. He had to draw eight cards and was glaring at (Y/n) and Gon who were smiling proudly. "I hate stacking..." Killua mumbles as Leorio lays down a blue seven.

"Kid, you literally screwed me over two rounds ago because of stacking." Leroio bites back. Killua doesn't reply with any words he just pouts.

Two minutes pass, "uno!" Gon shouts as soon as he lays down a blue two. The other three players all look at each other. Trying to read each other's faces of what cards they had left.

Killua smiles when it became his turn. "Draw four! Green!" He smirks to himself.

Gon had this lucky-go-happy look on his face as he laid down his final card. Everyone, including the bird who just flew by the window was dumbfounded. "No more stacking..." Killua says as lays down his remaining cards.

"No more stacking." (Y/n) and Leoroio agree, also reveling the card they had left.

"But stacking is fun." Gon beams, "it keeps the game interesting."

"No more stacking!" The three players yell and Gon holds his hands up in defense.


"Bird!" Killua shouts as Gon put the marker down on the paper. Gon shoots his partner a look while (Y/n) stays silent as her partner continues to draw. Leorio looks back at his girlfriend for some reassurance as he finishes. He had only drew two lines. The two boys also looked over and everyone was silent.

"What?" Leorio says, "is it that bad?"

"Maybe we should play another game..." (Y/n) says as she looks over at what Gon was drawing.

"Agreed..." Killua mumbles.

"Hey!" The drawers said, "you guys can totally get this."

(Y/n) and Killua share one last look 'good luck' before shouting a bunch of answers.

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