Sting X Coodere! Fem!Reader (Fairy Tail) {Never Stopped Loving You}

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Coodere is when you are nice to one person but another person walks in the room and your mean to them. Example: "Hey, (y/n)! Can you get me some more (something that people put out at parties that I've never been too), please?" (Y/n) smiled, "sure!" With a smile on their face. "Same here!" (Person that you hate and that's here because he/she is friends with your friend.) called. "Tch, get it yourself!"

"Hey (y/n)!" Yukino called when I walked in the door to the guild. "Can you come here a second!" I smiled and walked over to her, and found the guild master and the guy I hate more than anyone, Sting, at the bar.

"You never told me you were going on a mission." Sting mumbled.

"I told Rogue to tell you. Is that a problem?!" I snapped back, sitting down next to Yukino. Putting her in the middle of us fighting.

"Your supposed to tell the guild MATSER when you are going on a mission so they know were you are."

"Since when?!"

"It's always been that way!"

"Hey Rogue," Minerva called from the door as she walked in, "did you remember to tell Sting that I was out on a mission?"

"Yeah I did!" Rogue called back.

I looked at Sting like I-told-you-so, "you were saying?" I asked Sting.

"Whatever..." He mumbled.

"What did ya need, Yukino?" I said with a smile.

"Well.... you um..... see.... um..."

"We need you and Sting to stop fighting all the time." Minerva spoke up behind us, and sat down next to me.

"One day you guys might get into a battle while fighting and destroy the guild." Rogue said, sitting down next to Sting.

"Tch, that's Fairy Tail!" I shouted.

~at Fairy Tail~

Everyone sneezes, "who's talking about us?" Natsu asked.

"Everyone does flamebrain..." Gray said.

Minutes later the whole guild is fighting.

~back at Sabertooth~ I don't know what that was but tell me if you want me to do more of that

"I can't help that she hates me." Sting said.

"The hell you can't!" I shouted and stood up.

"(Y/n) sit down." Rogue said.

"Please calm down." Yukino said.

"(Y/n)..." Minerva said.

"Sting." I started.

"(Y/n) don't." Minerva said.

"I challenge you to a fight!"

The whole guild was looking at us. Everyone went quite, "(y/n) you can't!" Rogue shouted.

Sting stood up, "outside, I accept."

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