Cheerful!Oikawa X Angsty!Fem!Reader (Haikyuu!!) {Town Of Jade} Part One

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Inspired by the song Town Of Jade. I love this English cover and it is the way I found this song (the one I linked is the original version, I think). You don't have too listen to it to understand the one shot, but I recommend you listen to it just because. Haven't written about Haikyuu!! in a while and Oikawa fits so well so....

This is the song:

It was the very first day of the first school year for Oikawa and (Y/n). The boy and girl have yet to meet at this moment in time, despite being in the same class. Oikawa was silent until the other girls in the class started to notice him. The girls would look at him and then turn away with a smile placed on their lips.

Once everyone was seated on the carpet, the teacher introduced himself and began to give assigned seats. Two small desks were placed next to each other, and all the desks faced the chalk board. One by one the teacher placed his new students in a desk along with their seat partner.

"Ah let's see..." he mumbled, "Oikawa and (L/n) you two can sit here." He gestured to the pair of desks in the back corner next to the window. The window had a view of the playground where the upperclassmen are currently playing on. Trees surrounded the fenced in area, although there is a clearing where kick ball is being played.

The two students walked over to the seats, placing their bags next to them. After everyone else was seated, the teacher asked everyone in the class what their name was. Something simple to kick off the new school year.

Many students were bold and outgoing with huge, radiant similes on their faces. "I'm Tatsu!" A girl smiled and waved. "Hi! My name is Kazumi!" Another girl smiled.

"And what is your name?" He asked the boy with silver hair who was seated next to a boy with brown hair. The silver haired boy mumbled something, but the teacher wasn't able to hear him. "I'm sorry, you can please repeat that?"

"He said his name is Riku!" The boy next to him replied, "sorry about him, he doesn't speak very loud!"

"That's because you do that for me, Sora." Riku mumbled, causing Sora to pout. The teacher smiled and then looked to face Oikawa and (Y/n).

"Would you mind telling us your names?" He asked.

(Y/n) shook her head and looked away from everyone, meaning she looked down at her desk. "My name is Oikawa," the boy then looked down at the girl's name tag. "And this here is (L/n)."

The teacher smiled at the boy and decided to not make the girl speak for the time being. 

"Alight then I think that's everyone. Today I would like to get to know everyone." He walks over to his desk and picks up a stack of papers. "Here is a get-to-know-you worksheet that I am passing out. You may color in the pictures after you circle all of your answers. If you need me to read something for you please ask." The teacher had a genuine smile on his face when he looked at the students.

He then went back to his desk, and watched the students from afar while getting some work done. After all, he didn't want to scare the new students by watching their every move.

(Y/n) knew how to read pretty well, any words she didn't know were skipped over. She looks over at Oikawa who seemed to be having a little trouble. He was staring at the third question, "do you know how to count to ten?" (Y/n) read the question allowed, gaining Oikawa's attention.

"Oh! Thank you very much!" He smiled and circled 'yes' on the worksheet. "S-sorry you had to read it to me. I'm not the best when it comes to reading...."

She shook her head, "you helped me so I will help you." They smiled at each other and filled out the rest of the questions. The two finished before the rest of the class did, so they colored in the pictures on the worksheet. 

Oikawa walked over to one of the bins that had a packet of crayons. While he was doing so, a few girls started to whisper. "Hey he's cute." "Yeah he really is." Oikawa ignored them and returned to his seat. (Y/n) and Oikawa shared the packet of crayons, coloring inside the lines as best they could.

(Y/n) always loved coloring and would often draw with a black crayon on plank paper to have more pictures to color whenever she ran out. Of course it wasn't the best drawings but that didn't matter to her. She wanted to color so she made her own pictures.

Oikawa noticed this and asked her to draw a picture for him. "I ran out of things to color, can you draw something for me?"

(Y/n) smiled and drew on his worksheet. Once she was done, Oikawa was amazed with the picture. They spent the rest of their time drawing and coloring while the teacher went around the classroom helping the other students.


At the end of the day, all the students were asked to remain in their classroom until their parents have arrived to pick them up. After all, it was just one hallway and the school didn't want to over whelm the students. Oikawa was picked up by his mother along with his older sister. He waved goodbye to (Y/n), who was the last student to be picked up.

During that time, the teacher tried to make conversation with the girl but she never responded. On the other hand, Oikawa was busy telling this family about his wonderful first day of school.

"The girl who sits next to me is really shy but she's so nice! I really really really want to be friends with her!"

Yes I know the title of this one shot doesn't make sense YET but I wanted to break this up into parts. I didn't want to make this too long since it is meant to give a background to Oikawa and the reader. Don't worry I have a plan for a part two (for once in my life) but if I forget about it someone please remind me. Sometimes it'll slip my mind but I made sure to add "Part One" into the title to remind myself.

Anyway, I have a plan to make this into a small series cause this song gave me such a great story. I hope you guys like and stick around for part two!

I'm go sleep now....


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