Deidara x Female!Reader (Naruto) {What Growing Up As Lonely Kids Leads To}

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So it's uh been a very long time since I have read the Naruto manga (most of the volumes were at my public library) so if anyone seems off, that may be the reason. This is a request!

"So, (Y/n), it's been a year since your father died. Do you want to visit his grave?" The mother asked.

"What's the point? It's not like he's really there." The young (Y/n) huffed, "shouldn't you be on a mission?"

Her mother glares at her, "you're father loved you and-"

"Then why did he leave me?" Asked the young girl, crossing her arms.

"He didn't leave, he died." Huffed the mother, "I don't have time for this. I'll see you next week." With that, the mother leaves without waiting for (Y/n) to respond. Before the words "I love you" could leave the young girls lips.

Tears filled (Y/n)'s eyes from both being left alone again and the absents of her father. "You both left me. No matter what happens you both leave." She whispers to know one but herself. She has learned to be her own best friend since no one else is ever around. She has learned to take care of everything at such a young age, not even a teenager yet.

(Y/n) stops crying, grabs an umbrella, and walks out to the graveyard. "Mother is right about one thing, father loved me. I should at least try to talk to him, maybe he can hear me." She stops to pick a few wild flowers, holding the arrangement in one hand before returning to road. "Father always said these were his favorite..."

Once (Y/n) made it to the graveyard, the rain began to pick up. "How ironic for the rain to pick up now. It's like when writers use the weather to show the characters emotion." She says, looking down at her fathers grave. "That's what you taught me, right? You always said English was the easiest subject. I would love to sit and chat but I guess standing and chatting will have to due." She forces a laugh, trying to make herself happy. "Can you even hear me?"

"Well yeah, you are speaking out loud." A voice shouts over the rain, "what are you doing?"

(Y/n) whips around to see a blonde haired boy holding an umbrella, his head was tilted a little to the side. He was wondering if she heard what he said. "What are you doing?" He repeats, a little louder this time.

She turns back around at her fathers grave, the rain begins to slow down. She whips the tears off her face and turns back to the boy. The boy is still standing there, waiting for her answer. He is at the front gate of the grave yard, holding the old and rusted gate open.

"Just visiting my father, what are you doing!" She shouts back.

"Making sure you're okay!" He says with a smile, but his face turns to shock as (Y/n) starts walking over to him.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. Have a nice day." She smiles, walking passed him and out of the grave yard. The boy smiles in return and says, "hey! What's your name?"

The girl turns back around, the rain slows down a bit more. "(Y/n), what is yours?"

"Deidara," he replies, "see you around, (Y/n)." He then walks away in the other direction. (Y/n) smiles, walking back home to her now empty house.


A week has passed and (Y/n)'s mother has returned once for a night, only to leave early that morning. The mother never said goodbye. Frustrated with everything, (Y/n) decides to go exploring. One of the few things that still brings her happiness.

This time, (Y/n) find herself exploring part of the forest on the outskirts of the Stone Village. The birds were chirping and the wild flowers were blooming. It was truly the best day for exploring. With winter passing and spring beginning, the weather was prefect and she could exploring longer than she previously could.

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