Popular! Naruto X Fem! Shy! Reader (Naruto) {Last School Dance}

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Here I am and my last 7th grade dance, sitting alone, waiting for my friend to come. It's been about 30 minutes, she hasn't texted me, and about two people walked up to me saying that I looked sad. Well... if you are moving to a school that you know anybody there, and that you have to leave all your friends behind, then yeah you would be sad, right?

I was staring at the wall the whole time, that's when I saw my long time crush, Naruto Uzumaki. Of course he has friends around him. He wasn't a friend less hermit like me that brings a book to lunch.  He looked over at me, and smiled, and waved. I quick looked away. "Sooooo, what are you doing here all yourself?" Naruto asked, leaning against the wall, near where I was sitting. "I'm waiting for Temari." I said, with no emotion in my voice.

He laughed, and I gave him a weird look. Once he stopped laughing he said, "I hate to tell you this, but she ran off with Shikamaru the moment she saw him." I looked down at my feet, 'wow what a nice friend she could have called me at least.' I thought and Naruto just started at me like I was fly that just went pasted him. After a few minutes of silence, "I know!" He exclaimed very loudly, "come danced with me!"

At first I though he was kidding, but Naruto grabbed my arm and pulled me to the middle of the gym. He stared dancing and I just stood there, wishing that I kept my mouth shut. "Come on!" Naruto said and smiled his signature grin. "You're only in 7th grade once!"

I stood there for a few more minutes until he grabbed my hand, "come let's get take a picture!"

'Why does he want to do that and why is he hanging out with me? Why not Hinata?' I thought, wishing I just ignored him.

We walk outside of the school, my eyes widened. The sky was pink, orange, and yellow. "It's beautiful." I whispered. "Yeah I know right! Shikamaru texted me to go outside, so here we are." I giggled, which made him smile as big as the sun.

"You know," Naruto started, "your really cute when you laugh." I blushed, "t-th-thanks." We sat down on the grass, and looked at the sunset. We stayed there until the stars came out. That's when Naruto put his arm on my shoulder. 'What the hell is he doing,' I thought. I got up, but to only be pulled back down, on into his lap. He raps his arms around my waist. "Where do you think your going?"

My face was as red as a tomato. Naruto let out a small laugh, "did I tell you that I'm in love with you?" My eyes widened, and I turned around to face him. "I love you too." I said, surprising myself that I didn't freeze up. He kissed me and when he pulled away he said, "you have no idea how long a wanted to do that." I smiled, "you have no clue how long I wanted you to do that."

Edit April 19, 2020 aka three years later: Hi, hello, it's me. Here to say that I wrote this three years ago, when I was in 7th grade (or wherever you are when you are 12 years old). I was alone during the last school dance, waiting on my best friend at the time to come. And I thought of this one shot while staring at the wall, while everyone I knew was asking if I was okay, and I was okay for fucks sake! So there you go. No, the reader is not sad. The reader is just waiting. Okay? Okay.

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