Cheerful!Oikawa X Angsty!Fem!Reader (Haikyuu!!) {Town Of Jade} Part Three

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Yes I am back at it again with this series! I still love this song and here is part three that no one asked for!

(Y/n) closes the door and Oikawa takes her by thee hand. "C'mon! We need to make up lost time!"

"Okay okay!" She replies, "jeez would you calm down! And let go of my hand!"

Oikawa smiles at her, "why?" He asks, "this is a date after all."

She glares at him, "well I don't hold hands on the first date."

"You don't go on dates, (Y/n)." He replied with a smirk.

"Oh shut up!"

He laughs, "it's too bad that I hold hands on the first date. But don't worry, I promised you that we will be going to the city. No one will see us, well no one that we know..."

She sighs and gives in to his plan. "Fine, but this don't mean anything."

"Of course it doesn't." He hums, "I promise that today will be filled with nothing but smiles and laughter."

They caught a train that was just about to leave. Taking a seat, a few people started to stare.  Oikawa's grip on (Y/n)'s hand tightened. He knew how much she hated being looked at, for whatever reason. Then the people started to whisper, a group of girls started giggling. 

"Umm excuse me," a boy around their age said. "I'm sorry but are you Oikawa, the setter?"

Oikawa was taken back by surprise. Yes people knew of him and would stare from time to time but no one ever approached him. "Yes I am, have we met before?"

"Oh no!" Replied the boy, "I've just see you play a few times on the tv, s-sorry!" With that the boy leaves and walks back over to the group of girls.

"I bet they all think you're cute." (Y/n) says.

"Yeah the probably do,"  Oikawa sighs, "honestly I don't care about looking cute anymore."

She tilts her head in confusion, "why is that?"

He shrugs, "I have my whole world in my hand right now. Everything else doesn't seem to matter right now."

She snorts, "who are you going to say that too?"

He puts on a playful smile, "I'm not too sure. Do you think it'll work?"

"Of course it will! You're Oikawa Tooru!  All the guys, girls and everyone in-between love you." She smiles, "and only a fool wouldn't say yes if you asked them out."

Oikawa laughed, "whatever you say."


They arrived at their stop around lunch time. "Jeez (Y/n), you get up late you know?"

"Shut it." She glared, "it's the weekend. When else can I sleep in."

He smiles back at her, "how about we get something to eat then? It is lunch time."

(Y/n) has a nervous look on her face, "how about we walk around first? You know let the lunch time rush fade out a little."

Oikawa squeezes her hand, "don't worry. The place we are going too won't be crowded. And if it is we will wait it out. Promise."

She nods in response and they start walking. (Y/n) looks around and figures out where they are. "Wait, didn't we come here on a school field trip?"

Oikawa smiles, "yep!" He cheers, "we came to the old aquarium but you and I sneaked off to look around the art store. To this day we still haven't gotten caught."

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