Kurapika X Shy! Reader (Hunter X Hunter) {His Bodyguard}

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Edit: That's right folks this one shot is free of gender for the reader! Please comment the area if you see something that says otherwise so that I can correct it. Thank you!

I don't see why he needs a bodyguard. Of all the people in the world, Kurapika can defend himself. Then again a job's a job. At least this one won't be hard. All I really had to do was sleep with one eye open, which I do anyway.

He didn't talk much, which was fine by me. 

"That's one main reason why I asked you to be my bodyguard." He told me the day he found me. "You don't talk much, I like that."

Some how he tracked me down after I left a company. The company started doing shady stuff and I didn't want any part in it. So I left, nothing more nothing less.

As the sun started to go down, we were in a bad part of this road. They say that bandits would walk the road til dawn. "S-sir, we must hurry." I spoke up.

He nodded, "yes I am aware. I'm guessing you heard about the rumors as well?" He turned his head to look at me. I nodded my head.

"How far out are we?" He asked.

"About a-an half hour from w-where we started." I replied.

"We should be able to get out of here by the sun goes down. Let's just walk faster."

I nodded, not saying another word.

"S-sir, we're being f-followed." I said in a soft voice.

He nodded, "alright, shall we fight them off?" He asked.

"T-th-that may be the o-only way." I replied.

"On the count of three." 


The bandits were closer.


"There they are!" One of the bandits shouted.


Kurapika pulled out his chains, and I drew my sword. The bandits attacked us, but not in the smartest way. In other words, it didn't even take five minutes to defeat them.

"Let's keep moving, there could be more." Kurapika said, "oh and, just call me Kurapika. 'Sir' sounds weird to me."

I nodded and we started walking again. After awhile we were off that road and are now walking in the woods.

"K-kurapika?" I started, he hummed in response. "W-where are w-we going?" I asked.

"I was wondering when you were gonna ask that. I'm sure you know that my clan was killed. Everyone but me, right?"

"Y-yes I heard about that."

"Well I got a lead on where their hideout is at. I asked you to come with me and make sure that I wouldn't die."

"I-I was told." I said softly.

He didn't say anything after that. We just walked in silence until the sun was all the way down. The woods became pitch black.  

"Let's stop here for the night. We will continue in the morning." He stated with a gentle voice.

I nodded, sitting down at the base of a tree. Kurapika did the same.

I was waiting until he fell asleep, but he didn't.

"You're still awake." He asked as if it was a question.

"Y-yes." I replied.

"Do you know anything about the people who killed my clan?" He asked.

I was a bodyguard for one of them a few years ago. Do I say that? It's not like they told me not to tell anyone. Then again, they also said that if I spied  on them, they would kill me. Good thing I didn't get caught. 

"Y-yes. I was a bodyguard f-for one of them a f-few year ago." I answered. 

"Did they say anything about my clan?"

I nodded, "t-they uh," I thought for a short moment,  "T-they said something l-like, 't-this shall b-bring us a lot o-of money in'. B-but without all t-the stuttering."

"Damn bastards." He mumbled, "do you think they will remember you?"

I shook my head, "h-he was k-killed."

"Really? By who?"

I took in a deep breath, "me."

He chuckled, "looks like you're more than perfect of this job."

We both fell asleep after that, with one eye open.

We had arrived at their hiding spot, "not all of them will be here. This next part is your choice." He said, turning around to face me. "I will pay you more if you help me kill them. You do not have to. If you don't I will pay you and you can leave."

I shook my head, "I-I will fight w-with you." I said, "b-but not for the m-money. I-I have my o-own business with t-them as well."

He nodded, not asking any question. We busted in, weapons in hand. In the end, we walked out covered in blood. Both ours and the others.

"I guess we're both cold and ruthless, huh." He said once we were about an hour away from that place.

"G-guess so." I replied.

"Anyway here's your money, I'll make sure that no one knows about this."

"W-wait!" I shouted as he started to walk away, "w-we could t-team up, y-you know if o-one of us umm finds anymore of them." I suggested.

He nodded, "of course, it's a deal." We shook hands and exchange phone numbers.

"Keep in touch." He said and we went our separate ways. 

Yeah you can tell that I didn't really know what to do for this. I haven't seen HXH in over a year now so Kurapika is very occ. Anyway this was a request.


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