Yū Nishinoya X Female! Reader (Haikyuu!!) {Powerful Girlfriend}

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While I was watching the second episode of season three, this idea popped into my head.

"Eh! Yū-chan!" Tanaka called as Nishinoya was getting water. 

The libero looks over at him, "yeah?"

"How is (y/n)-chan doing?" Tanaka asks and drinks some water.

"She's been hyped ever since her team won their spring championship. Why are you suddenly asking about her?"

"Well uh..." Tanaka trailed off.

"We were going to ask her if she could practice with us." Daichi came in, getting a drink of water. "Since we know she's a powerful player and all."

Nishinoya smiled, "that would be awesome! I know she'll do it, after all we've been talking about going head to head against each other before we even started dating!"

The two boys smiled, "we should tell the others." Daichi said.

"I should text her and see if she can make it today before anything else." Nishinoya told them, showing a different side of himself.

Daichi smiled, "you've grown a lot, Nishinoya." 

"What do you mean? I'm the same person I have always been." He replied, walking over to his gym bag to find his phone. The boys walked with him to continue the conversation. 

"Yeah but you act more loving when you talk about (y/n)." Daichi said, "you must really like her."

Nishinoya smiled, "yeah I really do." He said as he typed in his phone password. "You can go back to practice, I'll be there as soon as she responds." Tanka and Daichi nod and head back to the others.

'Hey! Tanka and Daichi want to play against you. Are you up for something like that?' Nishinoya hit send and looked up to watch his teammates play.

"Eh Tuskishima! Would you serve already!" Tanaka shouted as he ran back to the court.

Tsukishima serves the ball and hits Tanka right in the face, "you mother fu-"

"Tanaka!" Daichi shouted, "language!"

Nishinoya laughed and revived a text back from his girlfriend. 'Hell yeah! What time do I need to be there?'

'Whenever you can. Don't you have practice today?' Nishinoya got a response right after he hit send.

'Yeah we just finished up, I'll be there in a few minutes <3 now stop texting me and get back out there!'

He smiled and shouted at Daichi, "she said yes!"

The team looks over at the libero, "d-did Nishinoya j-just get m-married?" Hinata asked Kageyama. "No he didn't dumbass."

"Language!" Daichi shouted at the first years, "now come on! Let's play already!"

Nishinoya joined Tanka's team and gave him a high five as  he ran passed him.


It was the end of the teams match when (y/n) slide open the gym door. "Hey guys!" She greeted and began to change her shoes, "how is everyone?" She then waved to Shimizu who greeted her at the door.

"You made it just in time," Shimizu said and handed her towel, knowing her friend ran all the way to the school. "Do you need some time to warm up?"

(Y/n) shook her head, "nah I'm always ready. Thank you though." She replied with a smile.

"Well they've been looking forward to this all day, better not keep them waiting much longer." (Y/n) nodded and smiled at the girl before running off to see her boyfriend.

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