Gray X Fem!Reader (Fairy Tail) {Weird Love Story}

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"We thought we were going to always hate each other, looking back on that, we were young and very stupid."

"Ice freak!" "Dumbass!" "At least I WEAR my clothes!" "At least I can fight!" "Oh yeah you want to fight me!"

"And just like that, my whole life changed."

"Gray!" Erza called, "stop messing with her!" Gray just glared at her and looked back at me, "where do you want to fight." Isaid, Gray smirked "At the forest near the cliff, I hope your ready." I clenched my fist.

He put his hand one top of mine, and interwinds his fingers with mine.

'Fuck!' I took a deep breath and let it out. 'Time to face my fears.' We fought from about ten minutes until I was close to the edge of the cliff. Gray smiled, "ready to give up?" I tried to sound brave, "n-n-no...... of course not!" Of course that didn't go well at all.

"Ice make canon!" I could've move at of the way, so it hit me and I fell off the cliff, eyes closed, smiling. That's when I a cold hand on my hand, and I was pulled in a hug. "I won't let you fall!" Gray said. "It's too later for that!" Gray let out a small laugh, "oh yeah, just watch me."

"What are you thinking about?" I looked at him and smiled, "our first fist fight. You remember right? That's when you fell in love with me." He smiled back, and kissed my cheek, "of course I do!"

After that lovely day, we started going on mission together. That is until Juvia came. "GRAY~SAMA!" I was at the bar with Mira, and Gray was looking for our next job.

"Did you ever like Juvia?" "Of course not!" He laughed, "I liked you stupid."

"Gray~Sama lets go on a job together!" I just sighed, "sorry but I'm already going on one with (y/n)." Juvia glared at me, and walked away. "Wow," Loke said, "you must really like (y/n)!" I turned around, "well of course I do, I wish I could tell her." "WHAT!?" Natsu yelled across the guild, "YOU LIKE (Y/N)?! MIRA YOUR RIGHT THEY ARE A OTP!" Mira ran up to me, with a smirk on her face. 'Oh shit!' I though. "Oh my," Mira said in with a sweet face, "looks like we will have another canon ship soon!"

"Wait Aunt Mira really said that?" "Well yeah," Gray said, "she's like the queen of ships."

It was the day after Fairy Tail won the Grand Magic Games, and all the dragon stuff was all over with. I was in the infirmary, back in Fairy Tail. One of the bigger dragons almost took out my whole leg. Gray was right next to me since the day I got in here. He was sleeping next to me, 'damn,' I thought, 'his so cute when his sleeping.' I put my hand on top of his ice cold hand. I guess that woke him up.

"Are dads hands still cold?" I laughed, "see for yourself."

I finally got released from the infirmary a week later. "Hey Gray you can go eat now!" I said. He has not left since I got here, I was worried that he hasn't had anything to eat. "It's ok Natsu has been bring me food, now let's get you home." Gray said with a smile on his face.

"Wow daddy really loved mommy a lot!" Gray smiled, "yeah I sure do."

Gray and I have apartments right next to each other, "thanks for walking me here and for staying with me." I said and blushed. Gray blushed too, "yeah sure no problem, just tell me of you need anything." I nodded and smiled, "yeah I will."

"When are you gonna tell us when you kiss her?" "Calm down we're getting there."

I decided to take Gray on a S-class mission, well... it's not that dangerous, just taking out a dark guild. We knew that there was more of them than us, but they were just as strong as Erza. Which we didn't know. So there we were in the middle of the guild, dark wizards all used there magic at once. The best thing is that my magic was for attacking and defending.

She jumped in no........ she used up all of her magic power, but she defeated all of them. She almost died. "Hey, (y/n), are you ok?" She smiled at me, God I love her smile. "Gray...... I'm sorry......" my eyes widened, she was dying. "No.... don't say that... you can't," ok I know that it's cheesy but hey that's what happened. "Listen Gray I-" I kissed her, if she died, I would at least know that she died knowing that I loved her.

"Wow how lame." We both laughed, "you will get it soon enough, trust me."

We started going out after that. We were dating for two years until he asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes in a heartbeat. Two years later we had our first kid, Storm. He's now fourteen and thinks he knows everything. Next we have Summer, she's ten and very shy, and our last kid is Aron he's seven and is already been "kicked out" of the guild.

"That's it guys, that's our love story."

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