Kirishima Eijiro X Reader (My Hero Academia) {Make Up Prom}

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Edit February 3, 2021: This one shot is indeed pronouns and gender free for the reader.

This is a request! I do have free rang though, so I hope you like it! So I came up with this idea when I found a cover of Markiplier singing Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur. Did I steal an idea that I've had since before everything was shut down AND was meant for another character? Yes. Hope you enjoy!

So for those of you who don't know, prom is just one big fancy school dance high schools throw. It's a black tie event, people are asked to go on a date to the prom. It's a whole thing.

"Ah really!" Exclaims a girls voice from outside my dorm room. "That sucks!" Another said.

"Yeah I know." Kirishima sighed, "(Y/n) can't even move very well..."

"Don't worry," a new voice appeared.


"Tell (Y/n) we're sorry know..."

"I will," he chuckles, "thanks guys."

The sound of high heels clicked away and Kirishima knocks on the door, "hey are you awake?"

"Yeah," I replied, sitting up in my bed. "Come on in."

Kirishima opens the door and frowns at my state. It was freezing outside and in all the dorms. So here I was, covered head to toe in blankets. Of course I managed to get sick the week of our prom. Kirishima and I promised that we would go together, but there's just no way I can.

"Why aren't you dressed up?" I ask, "you should be leaving by now."

He chuckles sadly, "I'm not gonna leave you alone."

"But you payed for your ticket," I started.

"Yeah but-"

"And your suit-"


"And you should go have fun with everyone."

"But I don't care about-"

"Kirishima..." I warned.

"(L/n)..." He tried to sound threatening.

"Eijirou." I glared, he was taken back by this. "You are gonna go, you're gonna have fun with everyone. Or I swear  I will beat your ass into the sidewalk."

He knows I was being serious. I've done it before and he knows I'll do it again.

He puts his hands up and backs away slowly, "okay okay. I get it. I'll go." 

I smile in victory, "good. And you better enjoy yourself."

He smiles sadly back at me before closing the door to my dorm. I laid back down in my bed and tried to go back to sleep.


"Hey!" Kamari shouts, waving his hand to Kirishima as he entered the gym. He walks over to his squad, Mina hands him some punch. "(Y/n)'s still sick huh?" She asks.

"Yep." He says, chugging the punch. "Wow this is bad."

"I know right!" Laughs Sero, taking a sip from his cup. "But it kinda tastes good too..."

The group stared at Tape Man™ with he stares at his cup.

"I wish I could recreate this night late when my date is healthy but..." KIrishima sighs, which makes Mina's eyes light up.

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