I was tagged

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Welp, woke up this morning, saw I got tagged xD so let's just get this over with, so I can head out to school.

Crush: Haven't had one in a long time

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Crush: Haven't had one in a long time.

Middle Name: Kaitlyn

Shoe size: 7-8 1/2 women

E/C: chocolate brown maybe?

Last time cried?: Watch death of fav character.

Biggest fear: The unknown

Last song listened to: HER by Block B

Last person texted: my ex. (Fml)

Relationship: Mentally married to Namjoon-Oppa

Fav sport team: I'm not big on sports, but I'd have to say Detroit Red Wings. I like Hockey xD

Fav colour: Any type of blue

Best friend: A girl who's been with me since 3rd grade.

Fav celeb.: Johnny Depp.

Any scars: one on my nose, one on my thigh, many on my arms. (Middle school was a dark time for me... One was because I fell on gravel...)

Kissed anyone?: My first boyfriend (again Sophomore year was a dark time too.)

Someone I hate: The skanky bitch that works at Hooters. (HAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

Ever done drugs: Once.... Not proud of it.

Height: 5'4 1/2"

Currently happy?: Eh

Drink?: Yes

Last thing bought: Gas for my car

Last thing eaten: Kimchi

Day/night?: Night

Fav lyric: "Come to me, I'll give you food" or... "Can you please stay with me." Both sung by RM. XD

Give second chances?: That depends... If they're truly worth giving another chance.

Pet peeve: A happy person in the morning. I'm too tired and cranky in the mornings. Don't talk to me xD

Random fact: I AM RANDOM!

Current mood: Eh. Tired...

Last book read: ROBOTECH

Jealous?: Can be

Birthday: 7/16

Obsession: I have a lot of obsessions, who doesn't?

Fav song: Fly by IGOT7 or Plastic Hearts by CLOWD

Worst mistake: Being a quiet person in high school, and not opening up a lot.

Someone I hurt: Myself

Believe in love?: Yes

Are you okay?:  Not really, but I'm working on bettering myself. Not going to let my anxiety get me. Nor will I let my depression bring me down either.

You all know I don't tag people, so YOU! READING THIS. I TAG YOU!

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