King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
I laid on back sticking my legs against the head board, trying to wrap my mind around what had just happened. 5 years of watching him pace around the room with no sexual act. Then all of a sudden he storms in here with no warning and just helps himself to me. All I could pray for now was that it worked.
I laid in this position for an hour. I hummed my mothers lullaby and counted the number of flowers that had been painted on my sealing. I tried not to think about the man who had tried to kill me who was now being murdered outside. or my psychotic sister in law who I'm sure would lose her mind if she knew what just happened.
A knock at the door caused me to roll out of my position. Pulling down my dress I ran to get the door.
"Yes?" I opened it to Peter. "Oh hello."
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Peter glanced at me nervously. "My Queen. I have been sent by King Silas to keep you safe."
"Come in." I stepped aside and watched as the guards at my door tried not to stare at me. Peter entered and I closed the door. "Keep me safe?"
"Yes. He isn't sure there won't be more attempts on your life as he starts to make some changes." Peter replied not moving from the door.
"Changes ?" I asked. "What changes ?"
"All I know is he is taking more of his fathers approach in ruling." Peters words sent a shiver down my spine. Silas's dead was known world wide for his killings. If it weren't for our country running out of money my father would have never even considered sending me here.
"Oh..." I sighed glancing away from him. The old king also went through many wives. 9 to be exact and they all were killed for not conceiving an heir.
"King Silas adores you. He would never hurt you." Peter assured me.
I glanced to the chess board across the room. "Do you play ?" I asked.
"Not while on duty." Peter said.
"There are two guards at my door and 4 at my window I don't think one game will leave me unprotected." I laughed.
Peter nodded, crossing the room. We both sat down at the board. I took the white pawns and he the black.
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I started by moving my knight, and Peter made his move.
"What's it like ?" I asked.
"I don't know what you mean ?" Peter responded his blue eyes searching mine.
"Being a knight. Getting to leave the castle. Getting to go on adventures?" I asked leaning in to hear his answer.
"'s the greatest duty I could have ever been given. Fighting to protect the kingdom. Meeting new people. Trying new foods." He chuckled. "Although the best food you could possible get is at the tavern here in our village." I tried to imagine what they would serve but couldn't beyond our kitchen. He glanced at me a weird expression across his face. "You've never been to the village have you."
I shook my head no. "Silas's father kept me mostly Locked away our first 3 years of marriage. He sent my ladies in waiting home and then passed away shortly after. Silas hasn't said if he wants me to remain in my chambers but I know it is just more safe for me to stay out of sight. So most days I sneak out early. I like to walk the field. The sun hits it just right in the morning and I can pick flowers and berries. It reminds me a lot of my childhood castle....but most days I make sure to be back in here before anyone is awake." Peter looked around a sadness fell over him. "Will you take me ?" I asked.
"To the village ?" Peter asked his mouth falling open.
"Yes to eat at the tavern." I replied.
"No!" He raised his hands and waved them. "The king would have my head if I took you outside of the walls."
"I could wear a cloak. No one would know." I pleaded.
"I'm not like you my Queen. I am easily replaceable." Peter sighed.
I reached a-crossed the table and took his hand. "No one is replaceable. Especially you," we both paused for a moment staring into each other's eyes. "And I am only good for baring children. If anyone in this room is replaceable it is me."
Peter pulled his hand away and stood walking to the window. "Everyone will be distracted from the hanging for the rest of the night. King Silas will have to remain in the court yard too. I supposed a quick trip won't be noticed."
I leaped up jumping with joy. "Oh thank you Peter!" I hugged him. his body was hard, he was in shape. He looked a bit older the. Me maybe 20?
"Alright, follow me. Stay quite and stay close." Peter instructed. He pushed the tapestry on my wall back and pushed a brick in. A door slid open.
"That's how she got in my room." I said allowed.
"Who?" Peter glanced back at me confused.
"Ah no one." I shrugged. Peter lead me through a maze of dark hallways where we finally came out the side of the castle. "I didn't even know those were there."
"I'm shocked the king didn't tell you." Peter lead us down a cobble stone path. "If the castle was take. Those tunnels could save your life." I sighed, it was obvious my king didn't care about my life. "Hood up, we are close." Peter stated. My heart skipped a beat. After 5 years I was finally out of my prison...even for just a few hours.