King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
I couldn't find Rosemary fast enough. My hands were sweaty and my heart pounded in my chest. I had been in love with her ever since i could remember. Her green eyes, her long red hair, her petite frame. She was the essence of perfection. She made my heart sore every time I was around here. She was intelligent and witty and everything I wanted for my Queen.
Although king Silas's response to my proposal was rather odd....I had high hopes her answer would be yes. My heart simply would be broken if she denied me.
problem was I couldn't find her anywhere. I had been searching the castle well over an hour this morning and she was no where to be found. The last few days she definitely seemed to be avoiding me. Tonight we must leave back for our kingdom. I feared I was running out of time.
"Excuse me." I cleared my throat as I saw a maid come out of Rosemary's room. "Do you know where Princes Rosemary is ? I haven't been able to locate her."
The maid looked me up and down as if she had been wondering what I look like. "Yeah...I think she said something about going for a ride this morning. She spends a lot of time with her favorite horse."
"Thank you." I said tipping her a gold cone. Running outside I had to grasp the stone pilers of the steps. My feet almost came out from underneath me as a cold Icey rain had started. I could see there were several lights on in the horse barn. She has to be out there.
Watching my step I made my way to the stables as quickly and carefully as I could. Immediately the smell of horses hit my nose. I hated horses. Such stinky animals. But if Rosemary was attached to one I must get used to it. I'm sure she will want to bring it with her when we wed and she lives with me.
Stepping inside my heart sunk. I froze in my steps in shock. At the end of the barn, There stood Rosemary kissing the stable boy.
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I felt as if someone had taken their sword and stabbed it through my heart. My Rosemary....someone taking my innocent sweet Rosemary....
I knew I needed to hurry and move before I was noticed but my feet didn't want to budge. Standing a few more seconds I watched as he grasped at her like a horney dog.
Balling my hands into fists I walked away before they noticed me. I had heard rumors about this family. My mother said they weren't raised with proper parents. She had always been unfavorable in her words for the Queen of Barntra and had very little to say about Queen Thea and King I understood. There was no rules, no morals....Rosemary was to protect every part of herself until the marriage bed and her she was kissing some...commoner who slings horse shit. I was not going to be traded in for the stable boy Rosemary was mine...I wasn't leaving here without her hand.
Bursting into the castle doors I almost knocked over Mother Queen Elizabeth. "Oh Edmund ! You frightened me! Please tell me you have talked to Rosemary?"
I glanced over my shoulder at the horse barn. Anger still seeping out of every part of me. "I did."
"Please tell me she said yes?" Elizabeth's voice was hopeful.
I turned back to her. "She did."
"Ahhh!!!! I can not wait for the wedding ! This is so exciting. We must find Silas right away and get the marriage contract drawn up immediately." Elizabeth laced her arm in mine.
"What are you going on about ?" My mother asked coming down the hall.
"Rosemary said yes !" Elizabeth screeched. "It's going to be a spring wedding !"
"She did?" Mother eyed me with her usual suspicion.
"Is it so hard to believe your son is a wanted groom?" I said hiding my lies.
"No...I suppose not." Mother replied.
"Let's go find Silas." Elizabeth pulled me towards the chapel.
"Rosemary didn't want to be around to tell the news?" Mother trailed behind us."
"She wanted to tell her friends." I shrugged.
"Silas dear. Great news ! Rosemary accepted edmunds proposal." Elizabeth said bursting into the sanctuary.
"She did?" King Silas looked shocked and I tried not to take offense to it.
It suddenly hit me just how serious my lie was. A small part of me felt guilty but it was too blinded but the sight of Rosemary all over another man. "She just did. In the stables."
"Wow...well you are a good man, with a great kingdom. I think it's a good match." King Silas rubbed the back of his head.
"Good?! It's amazing ! Perfect match! We are so excited for our princess to become your Queen. Let's get the certificate approved immediately. Although it's going to be a lot of planning we do have just enough time to get it all done by the flowers bloom." Elizabeth snatched a certificate off the church desk and shoved it in Silas's hands. "Come now dear make it official."
Silas glanced between us all. "Well I don't see why not...I want Rosemary to have everything she wants." I couldn't help but smirk in my victory as I watched as King Silas sign off on our wedding certificate.