King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
The fire place roared with heat filling the royal bedroom. My Queen sat in the middle of our bed dressed in a white silk nightgown. Her breast perked through the silk revealing large nipples. Her long blonde hair was freshly washed and lay perfectly on her shoulders. I could tell she was staring at me with a question in her eyes. Was I going to touch her tonight ? Were we going to try again for a child ?
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Every man in the kingdom wanted her. Other countries talked about her beauty. I knew they blamed me for us not producing an heir. The servants spoke in whispers about the royal bed. They were lucky I wasn't my father or their heads would roll.
Rubbing my head I sighed. Could I get it up ? Thea looked at me with eager eyes. She slipped her night gown down completely exposing herself. Her body was amazing. She was petite but had beautiful curves. Her skin was smooth like porcelain. I approached her. Taking her breast in my hands. She leaned forward kissing me with her soft lips. I could smell her rose soap, she knew it was my favorite. She was trying. Her hands wondered to my dick, massaging it slowly. I tried to let my mind wonder away from the tension and focus on getting erect. She slipped my shaft out of my pants and put her mouth to it. She was really really trying. If the church ever saw her doing this she would be hanged. Her desperation for a child was clear.
After 10 minutes of her sucking I was only halfway erect. frustration and embarrassment grew inside of me. What must she think of me ? Pulling my part away from her I tucked myself back in my pants and stomped out of the room. I could feel her staring a hole in my back but I couldn't face her eyes. I couldn't take telling her I couldn't again tonight.
I made my way down the hall ignoring guards that stared awkwardly at me. Running down the stone stares I ran across the court yard and out into the horse barn.
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Passing up and down the stalls I tried to catch my breath. What was wrong with me? I never wanted the crown! That's what was wrong. I wasn't born to be a king. I was never meant to be a leader. I was the spare child, second born. I was to be the one who fought in wars and had no responsibility. Why did my older brother have to die ? Why did he have to be so stupid and careless to leave our kingdom in my hands. I was too weak and my kingdom knew it. How long until they came for my thrown ?
"Troubles again brother ?" My sister Fiona's voice echoed through the barn. I turned to face her. Her red hair was undone and wild. She was brushing her favorite horse
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"You are supposed to let the servants do that." I said ignoring her question.
"Unlike you, I know the value in taking care of things myself." Fiona snickered.
"So you admit it about your husband then?" I pointed a finger at her. Before my fathers death he shipped Fiona off to a rich kingdom to be married. Fiona being the princess she is complied but hated her husband who was twice her age. Last month he passed away leaving our kingdom in charge until it was proven she was not pregnant. He was said to be in good health and poison was found in his tea. A hunt was on for the man who did it...but my suspicion was it wasn't a man at all.
"Why don't you just tell her your needs." Fiona also ignored my question.
"I don't know what you are talking about." I stammered.
"Oh brother Silas don't treat me like a fool." She said slamming her brush down. "Or should I remind you of just how much I know your needs."
I wrapped my arms around her waist and shoved her in an empty stall. She yanked my pants down and began sucking on my cock. Taking 2 fingers she shoved them in my butt hole. I moaned in pleasure. "This is the last time." I whispered.
"Always." Fiona replied. Spinning around I bent over and her tongue went inside of me. I was hard, very hard now. Grabbing a broom she shoved the handle just barely inside of me and took it in and out. I couldn't take it. I was going to blow. Pulling the broom out I lifted her skirt and shoved my cock inside of her. She breathed heavy in my ear. I exploded inside of her. "Last time." She repeated.