King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
Cradling my son in my arms I glanced down to his peaceful face. His bright red hair was soft and smelled of his bath soaps. I couldn't believe how much he had changed in looks in just a few short weeks. He looked so much like Silas. No one could prepare me for how much I would love this innocent baby.
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Surprisingly I was actually very grateful for our fresh start. That he would never know the truth of his biological history. I did not want him to be ashamed of me and I did not want to hinder the ruler he will become by family drama. Although every part of me ached to leave the only home I'd ever felt safe in and return to a kingdom where I endured so much unhappiness...I would do what I had to for my son. To make it our home. To make it a kingdom he will be safe and happy in. A kingdom he will be a great ruler in.
This little matter how much others wouldn't believe it truly had melted some of my heart. He made me want to let go of everything that has happened. My little Prince made me for once in my life have hope for a better future.
"I promise from now on to be the mother you deserve." I kissed his face.
I handed him to the wet nurse and watched as she carried him off to the nursery. Glancing to the clock I had just a few hours to bribe my guard to let me out a few minutes before midnight.
A knock at the door told me my help was right on time. Delilah entered carrying a few gowns and blankets. I smiled seeing my target. Rodger. One of my brothers men who had been apart of the kings guard only a few months. I knew he didn't know all the rumors about me and I also knew he was a sucker for some big tits. He wouldn't be able to resist mine and Delilah's.
"Good evening." Delilah smiled at me. I had discovered her fascination for women a long time ago. We have exchanged comforts from time to time and we both benefited from it. She was all too eager to help me again.
"Hello." I said spritzing some perfume on my chest. "Are you ready to help get me out of this cage."
"I will always free you my Queen." She said seductively.
"Oh my dear. You have no idea how much I appreciate you." I said leaning in and kissing her. She moaned underneath my lips. "Let's get my key out in here and ruffle his feathers?"
She nodded and I kissed her again before marching to my door and yanked it open. Rodger stood immediately looking caught off guard. "Queen Fiona. You know you are to remain in your room.."
"Oh yes of course." I said brushing my hair over my shoulder. My red curls fell perfectly. "I actually am in need of your assistance in my room. You see there is a spider in the corner and both I and my maid are too afraid to get it out..could you please ?"
Rodger puffed out his chest in a manly way and chuckled. "I don't see why not."
He ushered in the room and I closed the door. Crossing the room he looked in every corner. "Well it's gone now ladies no need to fret."