King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
"I can't remember the last time I've felt such rich fabric." Hannah smiled. She was borrowing one of my gowns until some could be shipped in for her.
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"I can't remember the last time I didn't smell of booze and cheap perfume." Elly laughed. "It's good to be home."
"This isn't home. It's jail." Hannah replied.
"Always so reserved with your words." I rolled my eyes. " The king is dead. Silas is much gentler with his rule. You will learn to like it here. No more harm will come to you I promise."
"I will try to hold my tongue." Hannah sighed.
"I can't imagine what you've both been through." I took her hand in mine. "I know your experience has changed you, But we must try because you are back at court now. No action goes unnoticed. It will already be hard enough to hide these last 4 years. You mustn't make it harder to find a suited by not acting like a ladies maid."
"You are right I'm sorry. I will dig deep to find my old self." Hanna squeezed my hand.
A knock at the door came and Elly went to open it. It was Peter. My heart skipped a beat for some reason when our eyes met. We shared a few seconds of eye contact. "I'm sorry to bother you my Queen but I must stay with you now. The castle has gone on lock down."
We all three gasped. "Lockdown ?" Hannah echoed.
"What is going on ?" I asked.
"There was an attempt on the kings life. He's alright but until we catch the culprit I'm afraid you aren't able to leave your chambers." Peter explained.
"I understand." I said. "Please make yourself comfortable."
"Does this mean the party is canceled?" Elly asked.
"I'm sure the king won't let it be, seeing as it's the Queens birthday." Peter replied. "They are sending taste testers to double check everything.
"Have the guest arrived ?" I asked.
"Some had started too yes." Peter replied.
"Please make sure they are comfortable." I said to one of my lady servant's who nodded and disappeared.
"Peter I want to thank you for rescuing us." Hannah said getting up to stand next to him. "It was so brave of you to get the Queen out for some air." She clearly was flirting with him. No doubt she was thinking he would be a match for her. High ranking. Property on the kings land. Close to the castle. Handsome.
Peter glanced to me. "I would do anything for the crown."
"Your so noble." Hanna placed her hand on his arm.
"The culprit has been caught." A guard burst through the door. " the castle is safe."
"Wonderful." I replied thankful for the interruption to Hannah's awkward advances. "Please start the music in the ball room and let the guest in. We want this matter to be hidden as possible."
"Of course my Queen." The guard turned and jogged off.
"You all go ahead. I need to get my dress on." I said.
"Will you escort us to the ball room ? I'd feel much safer." Hannah asked Peter. He nodded and they excited.
Letting my ladies servants help I dressed In easily the prettiest gown I've ever warn. My king must have spared no expense.
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Glancing in the mirror one last time I turned to go to the ballroom, when I felt something run down my leg. Pulling my skirt up I watched as blood dripped down my leg. No royal baby this month just Mother Nature.