My hand had long gone numb from holding the letter in it but i couldn't move. This had to be an old letter right ? My eyes scanned the date confirming it was only written a week ago. My brother, the true king to our county...was alive ?
Questions. So many questions swirled in my head. How was this possible ? Did he fake his own death ? Why? Did father know ? Did mother? Did he know how cruel our parents were ? Did they do worse to him causing him to not want tbe thrown? Where was he ?
Then the more selfish thoughts rolled in. I thought of my life before I was crowned king, before I was named next in line. Sure I was enduring abuse...but I did not have such responsibilities on my shoulders.
And queen...the woman that has done nothing but sacrifice everything for this country...the woman who did not deserve the treatment she has had to endure because my desires...could have been happy. Could have been taken care of properly and even been in love....Thea. Clearly she knows Felix is alive.
I glanced back down to the paper my hand cupping my mouth as I reread his words. Not only is he alive and she knew he was...but he had clearly been here. Thea hasn't left the castle since her trip to her friends. So he had to have been here...and interacted with sounds like a close interaction as well...
"King Silas." Lucy interrupted my thoughts.
I glanced up to see that nighttime had fallen. Darkness engulfed the gardens and the stars were out sparkling above me. Clearly I had been standing in this spot far longer then I had imagined. My thoughts had not allowed me to move. I felt in shock and heartbroken and some how betrayed.
Clearly my throat I tucked the letter in my pocket. Lucy eyed me as I did. "Ah yes?"
She glanced at me with worried eyes. "Are you alright ?"
I let a sigh escape my lips. "No."
I could tell my response surprised her as she shifted on her feet nervously. "Everyone is looking for you...but if you need some time to be alone...I won't say I found you."
"Looking for me?" I asked.
Lucy pulled at the sleeves of her cloak. "Yes...Queen Thea has given birth."
My eyes grew wide realizing that I had not only completely lost track of time but did so in the worst possible moment. "She....she did ? Is she alright ? Is the baby..."
"They both are perfectly healthy." Lucy said with a smile that relaxed my tense body, "They are waiting for you to claim the child."
Without another word I took off for the castle. Sprinting down the hallway I felt like such a fool. Once again I had failed her. She probably thinks I didn't care enough to be there.
A different feeling was rising in me with each step. Thea gave birth and the baby was healthy. Thea gave our kingdom an heir. We finally produced an heir, a symbol our rule was secure. Hope that she would no longer be seen as infertile but be praised by the counsel. She no longer would be blamed for my secret preference We did it. SHE did it.
Finding her chamber I was immediately let in. My eyes fell on a tired sweaty Thea. She looked absolutely exhausted. Somehow she still managed to look beautiful though and was glowing.
For the first time in weeks she met my eyes and loved filled them. There was no anger or hate just pure bliss. I couldn't help but take in the site of her cradling a little blanket.
"My king." The words rolled off her tongue in a happy tone, a smile of pride pulling at her lips. "You have a son."

All The Kings Men
RomanceKing Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...