Chapter 10 Queens Thoughts

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The suns warmth felt more like burning. It was the first time in over a month I'd been outside. After telling the king I think I might be pregnant..I couldn't face him now that I knew I wasn't. It wasn't supposed to be this hard. I had one job. A job my body was designed to do. I had started to become angry with my king who wouldn't let my body do it.

"You stupid girl." Fiona's voice made my blood run cold. I turned just in time to see her emerge from the shadows of the garden.

"It's lovely to see you too Fiona." I said trying to not to look at her growing stomach.

"I am not going to let this family be cast from our thrown because you want to play perfect queen." Fiona spat at me.

"What are you taking about ?" I frowned. I was so not in the mood to deal with her.

"They are looking to replace Silas with his cousin because you refuse to get knocked up." She said.

"I'm not refusing." I glared at her. "Your brother is the one who won't even touch me. Apparently I'm not his type."

She slammed me into the garden wall. "Listen to me and listen carefully." She lowered her voice to just a whisper. "My brother was born different. He can't help what he wants. He needs a male to satisfy him. And you need to get pregnant to keep you both alive. I could give two horse shits about you. But you will not reveal my brothers secrets or take my family down with you. And you certainly will not take his life. So I'm going to arrange a little surprise for you tonight and your going to lay there and take it. Got it?"

I didn't respond. But it all made since now. Why he wouldn't look at me. Why he acted so nervous. Why he was so weird in bed and in our sexual encounters. It wasn't was him. I rush of relief ran over me. I had been carrying for so many years guilt. And now I understand and now I knew. It wasn't my fault.

"It's always so nice to see family having fun together." Cousin Matthew startled us both.

Fiona let go of me and nervously laughed. "Cousin! What a wonderful surprise. Queen Thea and I were just having a conversation."

"A very interesting conversation it appears." His eyes flickered between the two of us.

"Won't you join us for a drink?" Fiona changed the subject.

"You know I'll never turn down a good wine." Mathew smiled.

Fiona glared at me with a look that said "follow my lead or else" I trailed behind to the Parlor. Where Mathew drank an entire bottle of wine while Fiona chatted about the latest gossip.

"I will run to fetch you some more wine." Fiona smiled her devious smile.

"Excellent." Mathew said watching her exit the room,

"How are you my dear Queen:" he turned to me.

"Fine." Was all I could muster.

"I'm sure." He said taking a few steps toward me. "You know I'm family and I would do anything for the crown right ?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand." I said trying to back away from him."

He grabbed my waist and pulled me in to put his lips to my ear. "I know my cousins sins and I know your in trouble. And I am more then willing to help you fulfill your duties." I tried to push him away but he forced his lips to Mine. I smacked him across the face.

"Queen Thea." Peter rushed into the room and to my side. "Your wanted in your chambers." He glanced a look I couldn't read towards Matthew.

"Of course." I said quickly leaving with Peter.I trudged up to my chambers fully preparing myself for what ever man Fiona had set up for me. Is this the answer to our problems ? To pass off a bastard child as the kings ? Would I betray my loyalty and oath ?

I sighed and took a few deep breaths before entering my room. At the foot of the bed stood a tall muscular man. His face was pleasant to look at and his smile was big,

"Ah. Here you are queen Thea." He smiled even bigger. "I am master Fredrick, and Queen Fiona summoned me to help out with your little problem."

Before I could respond, my king entered the bed chamber. He scowled glancing between me and Fredrick. "What in bloody bell?"

"Fiona sent Master Fredrick to help us with our bed problems." I explained and watched the blood drain from Silas's face. He knew I knew. And he knew I knew Fiona knew. And I was hoping he would put two and two together and know I knew about the true father to Fiona's baby. Not that it mattered. It wouldn't change a thing now.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Silas said with a confused expression. His eyes never leaving me.

"Allow me to explain." Master Fredrick cleared his throat. "You aren't alone in your...preferences. And I am a master at assisting in the production of Heirs. You see a lot of royals struggle to produce their duty. And I have found that it has very little to do with the Queens ability to Cary and everything to do with the kings ability do I say this without being offensive....have his needs met in order to do the job."

"I'm afraid I still do not understand." Silas scoffed. 

"I will make it so you can produce an heir." Master Fredrick responded.

"You can assure that I will be with child by my king," I asked.

"I can not guarantee a timeline but my success rate Is very very high." Master Fredrick responded.

"We will do anything." I replied.

"My Queen knows not what she agrees too." Silas protested.

"Forgive me my king for speaking my mind but I believe I very much understand a great deal more then you give me credit for. And had you given me the chance we might not be in this situation but now that we are I am willing to do what ever to keep you and the kingdom safe." I said crossing my arms in frustration.

"Excellent." Master Fredrick clapped his hands. "The lady is usually the hardest part to get to agree. So...shall we begin?"

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