King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
I shifted on the wood dock below me. The water looked dark and cold. Most would be terrified to sail in such conditions but with my baby wrapped warmly in my arms, all I felt was a sense of unwavering freedom.
Seeing my old flame from the dark mountains released me from my obsession with my brother. Although he will always share my bond of pain from our childhood....I now finally realized that's all we were. That's all we would ever be. It was a mess our ungodly relationship. But I didn't have to be that person anymore. My father was dead. I was leaving this castle behind and I was taking the only piece of good that ever came out of it with me.
"Ready to go?" Felix asked in a hushed tone. I turned to see him covered in a large cloak.
"Actually more then ready." I stated confidently.
We boarded the ship and watched as crew members worked quickly and carefully to prepare for departure.
"I'm shocked Silas isn't here to wish you off." Felix stated.
I glanced down to my child's face making sure he was covered from the wind. "I'm not...we are nothing to him."
"He used to be so sensitive. I can not believe the person he's growing into." He said guiding us below deck to get out of the wind.
"He isn't who anyone thinks he is." I said casting one last glance at the only place I had ever considered close to home. "I'm afraid he will continue to fall into more and more of that person too. And he will make this kingdom fall." Felix glanced a worried look back at the castle. "Thea has lots of people in her favor she will be fine."
"I wasn't...she...." Felix stammered searching for an excuse. "How did you know ?"
"I didn't survive that castle by being stupid." I rolled my eyes. "I saw the way you two looked at each other in that secret room...honestly everyone thinks fate is some magical thing that always turns out a happy ending...but the truth is your fates were never to be happy together. For that I am sorry."
Felix looked at me for a long moment. "You know I think motherhood has made you soft."
I rolled my eyes again. "I'm going to settle Arthur with his wet nurse and the retire to my room. It will be a long journey and I want to be settled."
"I'll check with the crew make sure everything is in order." Felix stated and climbed back up the stairs.
I left my babe with his maid and made my way to my room. A small bed and dressed were all it consisted of. My trunks and bags lined the far wall. Although I had packed lightly it looked like much more in this small room. Crossing the floor boards I tried my best to stay on my feet as the ship swayed back and forth. Sea legs were something I had always read about but now I understood the meaning of them.
Trying to ignore the nausea building in my stomach, I popped one of my trunks open and rummaged in it for a warmer cloak. Tarsus had always been a cold land. My slimmey dead husband loved it. I wasn't particularly looking forward to the lack of sun but it did beat being beheaded by Silas.
Finding a cloak I yanked it from its place and was started when something hit my floor with a thud. My read hair fell off my shoulders as my head snapped down to look at it. It was a small lead box with an seal on it.
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Leaning Down I gently picked it up and cradled it in my hands. It head weight to it and was heavier then it looked. Glancing to my door to ensure it was shut I unlatched the box and lifted its lid.
A letter sat at the top of it. Plucking it from the box, I sat it down so I could read it. Turning it in my hands my eyes grew wide as Cassius's stamp sealed the letter. How on earth did he get this in my things ? I had only finished packing this trunk last evening. There was no way he got through my guards at the door and I had been in my room all evening.
My hands shook as I opened the letter and my eyes could hardly take in its words fast enough:
My true Dark Queen. I know you must be confused and feeling alone. I will never be able to make up for the time we have lost but I am building us a future. I promise to explain everything soon but please wear this so that you are marked by me. There is a small bracelet. Place it around your sons ankle so he too is marked by me.
My eyes shifted to the box where a beautiful necklace lay. It had a large dark stone in it. As described there also was a tiny bracelet with the same shade of stone.
I was confused but I also trusted Cas so I quickly followed the instructions of his letter.