Hello my beautiful readers ! 😄
Firstly, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to read my story & hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. I know I know it's weird and fucked up and not everyone's cup of tea. But I think we all can agree that's what makes it so dang interesting to read. 😉
I wanted to end book one here as I felt it was a good resolution from Silas's & Thea's original problem.
Obviously there is a lot of things unresolved...
Will they find cousin Mathew? Does Peter and Queen Thea ever rekindle their true love flame ? Does Hannah ever come to terms with her sexuality ? Will the dark Prince finally have his way with Fiona ? What will happen when the kingdom and counsel find out Felix Is actually alive ? And also what the heck is awakening causing all these weird creatures to appear ?
Find out in book 2. It will be titled : All the Queens Love ❤️
I am already working on its first chapter so you will not have to wait long for an update on your favorite twisted royals!
Again thank you for your support & hope you'll find me again In book 2
Update ; chapter one of "all the queens love" is out now

All The Kings Men
Storie d'amoreKing Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...