King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
"Are the decorations complete?" I asked the royal party planner, Ester.
"Yes everything is in place for Queen Thea's 19th birthday this evening. Her favorite treats are being made as we speak." Ester replied.
"And her gown. Is it sent to her room?" I responded.
"It's being finished and will be there within the hour." Ester said confidently. "And her bath water is being fetched and heated, her hair decorations are being placed on her vanity and her jewelry is being placed in her wardrobe. Everything will be perfect your majesty."
"Excellent." I smiled. Thea deserved so much more then I give her. I wanted her party to be perfect.
"My king." Thea said from behind me.
"Thea. You aren't supposed to be out here." I said nervously and regretted it immediately. I know my father kept her locked up and I didn't want her to think I too wanted her kept away. "Not that you aren't allowed free reign. I just... I want your party to be a surprise."
She smiled at my explanation. "Your father told me he sent my ladies back to my county. He lied. He simply just through them on the street. Two of them married. I want permission to go see them. And to send them wages."
"Of course. I am so sorry I had no idea." I responded. I can't believe what my father put this poor girl through, then again I could because I know how evil he was.
"Two of them couldn't find a mate and were forced to be ladies of the night." I explained angrily. "They are here now. I want them to have lavish rooms filled with new gowns. And I want you to find them rich suitors to restore their names."
Thea had never asked things of me before. It warmed my heart to see her grow into a woman. Although finding two noble men to take prostitutes as their wives would be difficult I was willing to try. It was the least I could do for what my father has done. " I will search far and wide my dear."
"Also...I'm late." She smiled
"You're....late ?" I said puzzled at first then it hit me what she was saying. "You mean ? Are you ?"
"It's too soon to tell but I am hopeful my king." She responded holding out her hand to me. I stepped forward to take it in mine and kiss it.
"I shall pray all evening the Lord bless us." I said.
"I can only hope to be worthy." Thea replied.
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"Queen Thea we really must get you ready now for your party." Ester entered the room.
"Of course." Thea replied exiting with her.
"There you are my lord." Edger entered the room hastily." I've just received word from your sisters kingdom. They are thrilled they have an heir and are already sending needing men for our armies."
"Excellent." I responded. I couldn't believe my sister. She purposely took advantage of me in my weakness for her own gain. "I'm sure they want Fiona to return before the birth so the baby is born on their soil."
"They haven't made that decision yet." Edgers response let my hopes of getting rid of Fiona soon down. "Your younger brother Lowell has just arrived for Queen Theas party."
"I didn't know he was coming." I shrugged.
"Neither did I." Edger frowned. Lowell was known to be the party Prince. Being 4th in like for the thrown he never assumed much responsibility in the kingdom.
"Keep him away from Thea and her ladies." I responded.
"Already informed the guards not to let him near her." Edger chuckled.
"Good man." I nodded. "Well I best be getting ready for the party then."
"Off you go." Edger agreed.
I made my way to my private chamber and began to undress. I felt hands reach around me and I swung around ready to fend myself. Anthony caught my arms. "What are you doing?!" I explained.
"Shhh." Anthony put his hand over my mouth. "They will think someone is in here."
"You are out of line." I snapped at him.
"I thought you might need help with your bath." Anthony winked at me. He placed an arm in my tub. He yanked it out immediately screaming in pain. "It's poisoned! Get back ! The water is poisoned!" I watched in horror as his skin began to melt.
"Guards! Guards!" I yelled. They came running in. "Anthony was checking to make sure my arrangements were ready for the party and he discovered the water was poisoned. Please get him to the infirmary as quick as you can. Lock down the castle. Someone just attempted to take my life !"