King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
The autumn breeze nipped at my nose. Winter was definitely on its way but I didn't mind. The most wonderful things took place in the cold weather. I hadn't been at the castle in over a year since mother forced us out. I didn't really understand her need for travel after father died. He was so cruel to us all, it's not like he was missed. A girl shouldn't have to settle for lousy 16 birthday party in a summer house with her grouchy mother. All my friends had an extravagant ball and I had to be in grieving. It wasn't fair.
"A rose for my Rose." Daniels voice whispered out to me. I turned expecting to see my childhood friend and was caught off guard to see a man before my eyes. Daniel worked in the stables tending to my favorite horses. He was my only escape when father was cruel. I'd run out to him and he would always have a horse ready for us to escape for a few hours into the nearby wood. The perk of being the 7th born was no one missed you.
"Daniel." I let his name escape my lips. "I almost did not recognize you."
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He ran to hug me, lifting me off my feet and spinning me. His shoulders were no longer scrawny like I remembered but muscular and strong. I hugged him back letting him replace my feet on the earth.
"And i you." He replied. "I was about to ask what lady was in the garden. To my surprise it was you." He laughed.
"How dare you insult the princess." I said in a sarcastic tone.
"I was looking for the girl who used to pull worms out of the dirt and catch squirrels. I was just shocked to find a lady without a hair out of place." He replied. "What did they do to you over seas?"
"Bored me to death." I stuck out my tongue.
"I am just thankful you didn't forget me." Daniel smiled. His eyes were charming and I could not pull myself away from them.
He held out a rose to me. I gently took it and smelled it. "I would never forget the boy who used to push me in the mud and run away laughing."
"Had I known you'd turn out so beautiful, I would have never covered you in mud." His words made my heart flutter. A strange feeling settled over the air causing us both to blush.
"Do you have a horse for me?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.
"Always." He said holding out his hand. I took it and let him lead me to the stables. He helped me on my favorite white horse. His fingers lingered on my hand. "You have it ? I don't want you falling on me now."
Without a word a whipped the reigns on the horse sending it into a sprint. Glancing back I watched as Daniel scurried to mount a nearby horse and chase after me. I couldn't tell how far we had ridden. I just let the cold wind rush through my hair. It had been months since I felt so free. The sun made its way through the clouds casting warmth on my face. It felt good to be home.
Stopping by the river side I let my horse have a drink and jumped down. I heard Daniel do the same but I did not turn back to him. I didn't want to have to force myself not to stare at his handsome face. We had always just been friends. He was my safe space. I could not lose that.
"What's on your mind?" He was so close to me that I could feel his breath on my neck.
I shivered at the feeling. "It is just good to be home"
"I can't tell you how lonely I was without you here." He stated. I turned to face him. Our faces closer then they had ever been before. His eyes traced my face with an expression I could not read. He truly had grown into such a handsome creature. His eyes searched mine for an answer I did not know. Again an odd sensation was in the air. Leaning down I scooped up some water and threw it at him. "Hey!" He screamed.
I laughed as he leaned down and returned fire. We both roared with squeals as a water fight issued. Soon not a piece of clothing was dry. My teeth began to chatter at the brisk water. I had forgotten it was no longer summer and regretted my decision. "This was not a good chose." I said.
"Are any of your choices ever ?" Daniel said approaching me. He swept his hand over my face to get some water that was dripping off of me. His touch was so gentle. I clasped his hand to my face holding It there with my own. Bringing his other arm up he traced his fingers around my shivering lips. "We best get you back before you catch your death."
I nodded letting him lift me out of the water and carry me to my horse. He effortlessly lifted me up on top of my steed. He grabbed the reigns to his horse and joined me on mine. Wrapping his cape around me for warmth he kicked the horse to take off, pulling his horse along. I lay my head back on his shoulder. I could feel his heartbeat humming in his chest. He has always been my Daniel but something felt very different about us now.
Riding straight into the stables he helped me down off of my horse. We stood staring at one another for a few moments.
"And what on earth do we have here." Fiona asked. We both stepped apart creating distance.
"I fell in the river and Daniel saved me." I stated. I tried to make eye contact with him but his eyes did not leave the ground. "Thank you, please put my horse away."
I held my breath as Daniel lead the horses away from us. Fiona glared at him and I just prayed she would not make comment. "Fell in the river ?"
"Yes I needed fresh air and I'm afraid I got too much." I tried to make a joke.
"It appears you have." She said rubbing her belly. It was obvious she was becoming more and more uncomfortable in her state.
"We should get you inside for some rest." I said softly.
"Do not be foolish. We need to get you inside before mother sees you like this." She said grabbing my hand and leading me towards a side door. " are my favorite sibling. So I will only say this once. Everything you are worth is in your virtue. You are no good to this kingdom and your life if you allow it to be deflowered. Even if it's being questioned could be the end of you. Do you understand?"
"Yes" I stated. Normally I would argue but it was clear my childhood friend stirred something inside of me I did not understand.
"Good you shall not see that stable boy again." Fiona said.
I stopped on the tower step I was on. "He is my greatest friend."
"Not anymore." Fiona yanked me up to keep walking.
"You don't get to decide." I dug my heels into the cement to keep her from making me walk.
"Listen to me and listen good. If mother found about today she would fire that boy or even worse. Do you want something to happen to him ? To his wages ? How would that effect him and his poor farm family im sure he comes from. I will keep today from her. But I cannot let you throw your life away." Fiona stated. "Why do you think mother came her? Because she missed me or Silas or the castle? No. You are of age. And of use to the kingdom. It is time for your duty. You can not risk ruining that."
My heart sank at her words. From a young age I was taught my duty was to marry a stranger and have his children. That was all my life was to amount too. I was to be swept off to a foreign land with a language I could not understand and be happy about it. I was to leave my Daniel. My heart could not bare it. I wouldn't do it if it kills me. I will not do it.