King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
I stood staring at my naked body in the mirror. I ran my hands over my stomach. Shock was probably the best way to describe it. And maybe a little bit of awe too. Finally after 5 years of marriage I was pregnant. Finally people would see me as valuable. Finally I could fulfill my duties. All the nations that gossip and question my husband and I will now tremble to know our blood line lived on.
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A knock at my door pulled me from my reflection. Wrapping myself in a robe, I crossed the room and answered the door. It was peter who quickly averted his eyes when he saw me in descent. "I'm sorry My Queen. I did not realize you were not up yet for the day."
"I apologize. I wasn't feeling well this morning and lost track of the hour." I replied. "What can I do for you ?"
"The letters that you had me take out last full moon to your previous lady maids, Lady Georgina and Lady Farrah...they returned one to you. I wanted to make sure you got it." Peter said handing me two envelopes.
"Oh my! Thank you. I can not tell you how happy this makes me." I said leaning forward to hug him. He stiffened under my touch and quickly dropped my embrace. "I'm sorry...I just have been so worried about them. Thank you so much."
Peter nodded. "Not a problem. Happy to serve you."
I watched as he turned to leave and quickly shut my door so that I may read what my ladies wanted to say to my apologies.
My Dearest Queen Thea,
I cannot describe what joy it brings me to know you are well. I did not doubt for a second that our departure was nor your fault. We all know the kingdom your parents sent you too under the late kings rule. It is all in the past but I do appreciate your apology and the gifts you sent.
I was much luckier then Elly and Hannah. I found the love of my life several days after leaving the castle. I'm sure my father would have wanted someone with higher station for me. But i am beyond blessed as a farmers wife. Our crops have been good and our life-stock has turned over. We have plenty to eat and the most darling cabin. I have birthed 2 handsome boys, a beautiful daughter and am pregnant with our 4th. It's a simple life, but I want for nothing and I am happy.
Of course we would love for you to visit any time. With winter coming we will be shut in quite alot and the company would be most welcome.
I am so proud of you. All the village people have nothing but good things to say about you. I am so happy to know that the old king did not put out your light of kindness.
Hope to see you soon,
Queen Thea,
What a shock it is to hear from you. I thought you had forgotten what wonderful friendships we had and it brings me happiness to know that you have not.