King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
Every part of me was cold. It wasn't because of the falling snow or the ice that had built up on my armor from my long journey. I couldn't understand the feeling that coursed through my veins. It wouldn't leave me alone , no amount of fire I sate around, ale I drank or hot soup I consumed I could not shake it. It has been several days and yet I could not get the tingle of her lips brushing against mine out of my head. I could barely focus on my quest. Every part of me burned for her. My body felt like it was actually begging me to turn back and return to her. I honestly have no idea how I escaped my lust filled thoughts for my Queen. I wanted her in ways I could never say out loud. Ways that would have me hanged. I had done a perfect job keeping my position at the forefront of our encounters but the other day....something spiritual came over me. I almost lost it. I almost gave in..but my lust for her could never over take my duty to the king. Atleast that's what I told myself. I knew deep down it was more that no lust could ever be more then the way my true feelings were for her, although I could never admit them.
Driving myself mad I decided to end my days journey early and pulled off into a tavern. Paying the stable for a spot for my steed I entered and quickly bought myself a pint. I chugged it and noticed the locals looking at my armor. I had never traveled this south from our kingdom before. I'm sure the town did not know my kings symbol. I knew I needed to be careful as sometimes it made you a target but the southern countries had always been friendly to us. They mostly worked the land and kept to themselves. It was no wonder my lead for Matthew led me here. There wasn't much out here. If I were to grow a crop for an illegal substance I definitely would pick an area like this one.
Buying another pint I began to chug it as well. My thoughts for Thea consuming me once again. A young woman approached me dress promiscuously. "Haven't seen anyone like you in these parts before."
I glanced to her. I couldn't help but find her beautiful. Her skin was tan and her eyes dark. Beautiful dark hair framed her face and fell down her back.
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"I am on a quest for my king. I am not from here." I said trying to shrug her off. Her presence near me made the men in the room watch me even closer.
"Ah..that would explain why I have not had the pleasure of knowing such a handsome soul." The words slipped from her lips like butter. She had a thick accent that was both intoxicating and making the lust in my veins ramp up. I glanced around the room uneasy by all the staring. She raised her hands and clapped making me jump. At the sound of her hands meeting everyone in the room instantly looked away from us. It dawned on me that she played a role of power here and I needed to tread very carefully.
"I'm just passing through." I chucked the last of me ale. "I won't be here long."
Her eyes shifted between mine. "Mmm then I must get to know you quickly. Come you need a room no?"
"I was planning to stay for the night but I should probably get going. Now that I am refreshed I think I can keep going." I lied.
"Nonsense. I can tell when I man is tired. I insist you stay in one of my rooms, on the house." She took my hand and I let her lead me. I grazed the room and took note everyone was armed. It was best to play along to not upset her. Leading me up a stair case I followed her into a hallway lined with doors. Several woman half dressed lingered in the doorway eyeing me with welcoming smiles. At the very end of the hallway was a door larger then the others. She removed a key from her pocket and unlocked it. Inviting me in she shut it behind her. "I am Sophia by the way."