King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
After stowing away Felix in my room and making sure he got a good meal I excused myself to the stables for some much needed fresh air. The last few days have been exhausting. Christmas Eve was tomorrow but it didn't feel like it. I'd hardly noticed my favorite holiday was here from all the Chaos that was happening.
"How are you this evening Rosemary ?" Queen Tiana asked approaching me from the Castle steps.
My breath caught in my throat and a feeling of annoyance ran over me. I eyed the stables and could see Daniel busy at work. I hadn't been able to talk with him in days. I was afraid my chance was just stolen from me again. "I am well, thank you. And you ?"
"I am doing well thank you." She pierced her lips together as if deciding what she would say next. "Rosemary Dear forgive me for my approach but I have realized in my age that time is precious. It's a gift, one that can not be wasted. Some may call my bluntness rude but I look at it that I save everyone their precious moments. I know you do not have a choice in the matter but I also know your brother has a kind heart and he will take your own thoughts into consideration. I am a mother first before I am a Queen although I would never admit that to anyone who does not understand a Royals I just say my sons heart is a great concern of mine. Not only because he is the only thing that matters to me in this world but also because I know a king rules from his heart and can not do it well if his heart is either divided and I must ask. Do you consider a marriage with him?"
I froze unable to respond to her words. Yesterday I was worried about dresses and what friends I would see that day. Today I am to decide what country I stand by to rule? I can't say it was a complete shock. I've been trained my whole life of course for this decision but what was a shock is how quickly it had come. How fast my childhood had passed. How quickly I was being forced to be a woman. I glanced away pretending to be distracted by the snow that had just started falling. "I think Prince Edmund has grown into a fine gentlemen. I think that your kingdom Aligns with our kingdoms values and I think I would be crazy to not consider him when thinking of a husband.
She let out a small chuckle. "You have been well rehearsed my dear." My green eyes shot to try and read her expression as her words confused me. Was that a good thing ? Was she saying she saw through my indecisiveness ? "I just want to warn you.....just like any family..just like your family my kingdom has its secrets as well. I just pray if you do accept my son's proposal you will also accept him for who he is."
I was puzzled at her words but she seemed satisfied with them so I didn't continue the conversation. Bidding her a goodnight I waited until she was inside before breaking for the barn. My heart sank at the sight of it being empty. Queen Tiana and I'd conversation had not lasted long. I didn't think Daniel would be done with his chores until at least dark.
I turned to leave with disappointment but someone lifted me off of my feet. I spun in the air before landed in a soft pile of hay. Daniels laugher echoed through the horse stalls. "Oh you think your so funny I huffed attempting to sit up. He pinned my arms down still laughing.
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