King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
I quickly exited my queens chamber and made my way out to the court yard just in time for the hanging. I was shocked at the enormous crowd that had gathered. Half the kingdom had to of been there. How morbid.
I took my seat on my thrown and watched as the crowd cheered. I made the mistake of making eye contact with the court man who talked back to me. He was pleading for his life. His wife and children in the front row crying their hearts out. I couldn't go back now. I had to show I meant business and I wasn't going to let Thea take the fall for my sins. I raised my hand giving the approval for his death and a few short seconds later his feet were dangling from my platform.
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The crowd gasped and cheered. "Save the Queen! We love Queen Thea! Long live Queen Thea !"
I couldn't look at the man I had sentenced to death. This wasn't me. I wasn't a killer, I wasn't a savage ruler. But this was the weight of the crown.
I glanced to the walls where I could see Anthony staring at me, a smirk on his face. He turned and walked the wall but never took his eyes off me. Lord I hope he can keep his mouth shut. The mention of his mouth made me hard. I covered my crouch with my robe.
"Oh big brother, what have you done." Fionas voice in my ear made me turn. She was standing behind me, her arms crossed.
"Can't you go bother someone else right now." I sighed.
"I just thought you'd like to know that your Queen is leaving the castle walls as we speak." She whispered.
I was in the middle of taking a sip of wine and spit it out. "Is she alright ?"
Fiona frowned. "Oh she's fine she's with mr tall dark and handsome you sent to watch her."
" she has protection." I shrugged.
"Are you dumb ?" Fiona shook her head. "If they get caught together her virtue and your child will always be questioned."
"Peter is my best knight. He won't get caught." I replied back. "Now go enjoy the party."
I watched as my sister walk away. I knew my bride wouldn't cheat on me she was too loyal to her duty and so was Peter. But why did I feel jealous? I wanted badly to love Thea but her touch didn't make me feel the same as a mans. Could I possibly love her in this condition?
"King Silas." I deep voice came from my right. It was edger my court advisor.
"Ah edger. Please to see you here." I forced a smile.
"Yes, great turn out. Your father would be proud." Edger stated. His grey hair gleamed in the sunlight. He has served the royal family since before I was born. "How is Queen Thea?"
"Ahh...she actually isn't feeling well, she wanted to remain in her chamber." I lied.
"I can only imagine what she has been through this week. I really can't understand how anyone would want to hurt such an innocent sweet Queen. " edger sighed.
"Yes. Rest is very needed for her." I agreed. My mind wondered to my brides whereabouts. She had never asked to leave the castle walls before. Not that she needed my permission, she could come and go as she pleased. I hope she knows that.
Edger leaned down to whisper in my ear. "The kingdom who your sister was married off too sent you a gift. I left it in your chamber."
"I wouldn't wait long to open it." Fiona stated appearing next to edger.
"Ah Fiona!" Edger bowed to her." I am so sorry for your loss. Your husband was a great man."
"He sure was." Fiona smiled her devious smile. "I am grateful for carrying his child."
"I heard rumors but I didn't know it was true! Praise the lord for such a gift!" Edger clapped his hands. "Silas this means we hold the heir to their country, we are now in control of their armies, their gold. This is tremendous!"
"Yes, the castle doctor confirmed it this morning." Fiona smiled.
"I must tell the counsel." Edger said running off.
"Don't you think that's something you should have told me first ?!" I stood angry.
"You've had a lot on your mind." Fiona shrugged. "Guess i will be sticking around though."
"That child belongs in its own country." I said.
"It is." Fionas words confused me. I glanced at her with questioning eyes. "Congratulations brother, you finally have an heir."