Chapter 15 kings Thoughts

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"Your Majesty." Edger entered the Counsel Chamber. "Before your meeting I must warn you. The counsel is not happy with your decision to hang a counsel member you must be carful."

"You have more to gain with them on your side then I. Why tell me this edger ?" I asked him searching his eyes for honesty.

"It hurts me so that you would question my loyalty but given your position I understand. " edger wrinkled his face into a frown. "I was there not only when you were born but before your mother even gave birth to you. I have watched you grow into the man you are today. My loyalty will always be to the crown. But my heart will always feel apart of your family."

"Thank you Edger. I shall never question you again." I smiled and he exited. "Must you always lurk in the shadows."

"Atleast you are being self aware today." Fiona exited her hiding place.

"What gloom do you plan to spread today?" I asked.

"You used to like my presence. I'm not sure why that changed." She laughed playfully. "The doctor says your heir is doing well."

I stood angrily and slammed her against the wall. "Since you can not get this through your thick skull that is not mine. That baby has an entire country counting on it and it will return with you as soon as you have delivered. Do I make myself clear."

"I love when you are forceful." She winked at me and I released her in disgust.

"Still playing nice I see." Our heads both Snapped to the door. Matthew was leaning against the frame of it.

"Matthew, I thought you left days ago with Vincent." Fiona broke the awkward silence that fell across us.

"I had some business to finish up in the city. I did not think your invitation for housing was closed but I'm more then happy to find other accommodations if it is." He explained.

"Of course you are always welcome cousin." I said trying to hide my suspicion of him sneaking about. He had no business being in the counsel chamber. Fiona definitely was not supposed to be In here. "Fiona why don't you go show Matthew where the good whisky is kept and I shall join you as soon as council is done."

"Absolutely." Fiona said fitting her arm in his. "Come cousin."

Before they could exit a blood curdling scream rang out from the hallway. We all made a mad dash to the hallway. It took me a second to take in the gruesome spectacle before me. 3 lady servants were laying in the hallway in a row. Their hands outstretched blocking the entire hallway with their heads removed and hanging above their bodies.

"What in bloody hell?!" Matthew explained. Several servants had gathered in the hallway and guards ran to see what the commotion was about.

Written in blood on the wall spelled "long live the king"

"Oh, the stench his horrid." Fiona gasped.

"Matthew get her to safety." I yelled at him as guards pushed me into the counsel chamber. "Guards go with them for protection. And send my best knight Peter to Queen Thea. Lock it down !"

"Your Majesty we just need to keep you here until we can confirm you are in no danger." A guard told me.

"Me in danger ?! We must make sure the rest of the staff is okay! Please make sure no other fatalities have happened." I said wrapping my head around the gravity of the situation.

Edger entered with counsel members John and George. They were the riches aristocrats in my nation and lived fairly close to the castle. They had not spoke with me since I had james hung.

"My king. I am in shock this could have taken place so quickly. When I left here they were not there." Edger spoke first.

"And it was only a few minutes between Matthew and Fiona being here and them being placed." I responded.

"A woman... in the counsel chamber ?!" George gasped.

"Oh put a cork in it George we have more pressing matters." John sighed. "Do we know who these women are ? Do they even actually work at the castle ?!"

"I could not get close enough to confirm." Edger sighed. "It will be the first thing I investigate.

"The message is clear, it was meant for King Silas." George stated.

"But why?!" John said pacing the room. "The people have always accepted him as the rightful heir after His brother King Simon passed. And he was such a gentle ruler compared to his father. The kingdom has been mostly at peace, since his rule. And the only execution done the people agreed with because they love Queen Thea."  

"The only answer is it's not the people." Edger said leaving us all to question his meaning for a few moments.

"What are you accusing ?" George said with a frown.

"That it has to be one of us. Well not one of us in this room but one of us in this castle. The castle is well guarded. Of course some things slip here or there but you make all your uniforms here. No villager would be able to afford the fabric and even if they could they do not have your exact seal that is stamped on each of them that I'm sure will be confirmed on those uniforms. Whoever did it had to know some what of what the castles daily schedule is to be Able to perform such an act so quickly. I see no way around it. It has to be one of us." Edger hastily spat at the words.

"My God." George said running his hand through what little hair he had left. "He's right."

" of our own then." I sighed.

John spoke up "The question is...... who and why?"

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