King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
I stood staring blankly out my window. Snow covered the land as far as tbe eye could see. Even if I wanted to try and run away.....well..leave I guess. I didn't have to run. Queen Thea made it clear I wasn't a prisoner here. But none the less even if I just up and left without completing what Jaxon wanted there was no way I could get my sister away from him without him either killing her or me...or both of us. Not that I would even get that far. I suppose I could steal coats and boots to make it through the weather but even then I didn't lie when I said I have no idea where I am. I don't know these lands and I certainly couldn't find Zoola, my sister before Jaxon found me.
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I sighed turning away from the window frustrated. I wasn't even sure I could complete what Jaxon wanted. This afternoon....trying to force Peter and Queen Thea together...he resisted my powers. Never in my 32 years of using my powers had I ever had anyone be able to do that. Jaxon had been forcing me to drink herbs that did weaken my powers so I couldn't mess with him but those should have been long out of my system by now. So how on earth did he break the it couldn't be...could it ? I didn't feel it when I first felt the two of them but...I suppose it could be true love between the two of them. As much as it made me gag only true love could resist magic. Tale as old as time it was true. It was the only thing strong enough to break a spell. But that's the thing pure true love was the rarest form of magic. I remember reading somewhere most people never actually find their true love so it made it so much easier for us witches to perform magic in Normal society. There were limitations to my powers. In order to compete a sexual act under my spell there had to be some form of consent between those involved. They had to have lust between each other at some time. My magic can only fuel the fire of what is already there. Could it be our Queen had her true love right here in the castle ? Things did just grow so much more interesting.
Suddenly my door burst open. 2 maids and Lady Hannah seemed to not notice me.
"Are you crazy?!" Lady Hannah said sounded flustered.
"I know you were jealous about about Delilah and I." The maid replied pointing to the other maid.
"And Lilly and I thought it best you hear it from both of us that we are not interested." Delilah replied.
"So you haven't and don't sleep together ?" Hannah's words perked my ears.
"I didn't say that...." Lilly's voice lowered. "But we aren't like a thing."
"You expect me to believe that you just go around fucking each other as friends ?!" Hannah's loud voice caused the other two to shush her.
I quietly slipped behind my changing curtain to hide. Clearly this room had been unoccupied for a long time. The three of them had forgotten I now occupied it. I closed my eyes feeling each one of their vibration. It was very clear there was a strong sexual bond between Lilly and Delilah. But it was only lust. Score for me. But there was more between Hannah and Lilly. It wasn't passion it was tender and caring. I still could work with it. I felt bad but this afternoon had me rattled and I needed the practice. I needed to prove that I could do what I needed to do to set my sister and I free forever. I concentrated as hard as I ever had. Whispering my sex spell I sent it out into the air over their heads.
"Let us show you what we mean." Lilly spoke first.
"What ?" Hannah said.
I peaked around just in time to see Lilly grope Hannah's breasts. Hannah let out a small moan and looked nervously at Delilah.
"Don't be nervous." Delilah approached her running a hand through Hannah's hair. "We just want to show you what the maids do to make life worth living in this castle.
I cringed as I watched them go over to my bed. I made a mental note to beg for new sheets from one of them later.
Lilly sat on the bed prompting Hannah to lay her head in her lap. Hannah complied. Lilly stoked her hair and leaned down to cup her breasts. She pressed her lips to Hannah's and they embraced in a passionate make out session. Delilah began rubbing Hannah's thighs. Then with Hannah's permission she placed her face in between them. Immediately Hannah began to squirm and reached down to grab Delilah's hair pulling it gently in a playful way. Delilah responded by going deeper between her thighs. Lilly unbuttoned Hannah's shirt and played with her nipples. I could feel the lust rising into the atmosphere. The whole room seemed to consume it. I smiled as I watched them take turns licking and riding one another. It proved to me I hadn't lost my touch. I just might be able to drive the castle crazy with lust.