King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
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"It's been five years since your wedding night your majesty." John one of my counsel stated. A hushed tone went about the court room. "I realize a honey moon period is aloud for such a young bride but she will be 19 tomorrow and no heir."
"Perhaps we go about this the old mans way." George, another counsel spoke up. "It's not uncommon for Queens to have accidents."
"No hair will be harmed on her head." I said sternly. "She is still young and I do not blame her for no child."
"Then who should we blame?" James, the high counsel leader asked.
"God." I replied. "The holy text states that all things are in his timing. And I don't see why this shall be looked at any different. If I do hear anymore talk of an attempt on my Queens life you will personally answer to me."
"Let me remind you the limits of your power." James snapped at me.
"If I must begin to rule as my father did then so be it but you will not threaten me." I spat back at him. "And let me remind you that I can replace you at the snap of my fingers if you ever address me like that again."
Exiting the court room I went out the court yard and exhaled angrily.
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"You should have him hanged for speaking that way too you." The sound of Fionas voice made me jump. She was leaning against the castle wall and had clearly been listening.
"I am not my father." I said frustrated.
"No but you need to be or it is us who will be at the end of the rope." Fiona said approaching me. "They see you as weak."
"Maybe I am." Sighing I took my crown off my head. Fiona took it from me rubbing her fingers across the family jewels.
"You are strong and you will show him what happens when you are questioned." She placed the crown back on my head. "Hang him."
I never like the public spectacle that a royal killing brought out. My father did it daily almost hourly. He ruled by fear and no one in the kingdom crossed him. But it also brought a great deal of mistrust. I wasn't sure if Fiona was right about the need to kill him, but she wasn't wrong the danger his questioning brought to us.
"Sorry to interrupt." The mouse like voice of Thea broke the tension. "I was out in the field on my morning walk and I came across some elderberries. I know they are your favorite." She held them out to me. My heart sank at how kind she was. Thea truly was a Queen any king could ask for.
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"How kind of you my bride. Thank you." I kissed her hand.
"Shall I have the kitchen make them into a pie tonight for dinner?" She asked.
"Yes. We actually are going to be executing a criminal for his crimes this afternoon. It shall be a nice celebration." I replied making eye contact with Fiona.
Theas nose wrinkled and she quickly looked down. "Oh...may God's will be done." She began to take off.
"Thea." I stopped her catching her arm gently she flinched. "I'm sorry my Queen I didn't mean to frighten you...the criminal we are executing...he threatened your life." I explained. Fiona glared angry at me.
I could see Theas eyes grow wide in fear. "Oh" she uttered.
"They know you are the most precious thing to me." I went on. "I can not risk harm coming to you, you understand ?" She nodded. "I'm assigning a guard to be with you at all times. I can't take any chances."
"I am important to you ?" Thea asked her questioning stinging. I felt like a failure as a man to have such a beautiful creature not understand how desperately I wish I could give her all of me.
"The most important thing besides this kingdom." I replied and smiled as I watched a twinkle enter her eyes.
"Best get those berries to the kitchen." Fiona cut in and I watch fear enter my brides eyes. "Wouldn't want them to..get poisoned by the sun."
Thea quickly made her way from us and I turned to Fiona. "What was that ?"
"I don't know what you speak of." Fiona said with a smirk.
"You are nothing to me, my sister who will soon be married off once you are found not to be with child, do you understand." I barked at her.
"I am the only one who knows what you are." She snapped back. "Don't you dare act like that means nothing to you."
"If you harm her, I will kill you." I growled.
"You already do that 100 time more then I ever could by rejecting her. There is no need for me too." Fionas words felt like venom in my veins. She was right.
While everyone was busy watching the hanging I slipped away. I knew my innocent Queen wouldn't be present either. Grabbing one of my guards I took him behind the bed chamber wall through the secret passage way. He was one of my best men loyal till death.
"My king I'm not sure I understand..." Anthony whispered so that the Queen wouldn't hear.
"I've seen you look at me while on a venture. While I'm showering in the lake. I know you like what you see." I responded kissing him. He kissed me back passionately. I grabbed his head and forced it down to my cock. Pulling it out he took it in his mouth. "Make me hard" I moaned. I felt his beard rubbing on my inner thighs. My cock got immediately hard. He sucked for several minutes. "Go back to the hanging." I said pulling myself back into my pants and pushing him away.
Entering the royal bed chamber, I found my bride brushing her hair. She looked at me surprised. Taking her hand I lead her to the bed where I lift her many layers of dress. Gently pushing myself inside her I heard her sigh. Thrusting a few times I thought about Anthony's lips around my cock, how good it felt to feel him. How rock hard his body had been watching him Change before. With little thrust I filled Thea with my hot cum. Breathing heavy I looked down at her. Her blue eyes never left me, I knew she must be confused, but I had no explanation for her. But I knew I had just figured out a way that we could fulfill our duty of an heir. With all the kings men.