Chapter 17 Hannahs Thoughts

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"I think it's time I caught up with my dear deaughter in law. Won't you all give us some privacy?" Queen Elizabeth , Silas's mom asked.

I nodded and followed Elly out. "I must return to my chamber anyhow and immediately write my mother about these beautiful gowns." She skipped down the hallway. I rolled my eyes. How could one still be so innocent when she was forced to lay with random men?

"Are you alright ?" I froze at the sound of Lilly's voice.

I turned to see her awkwardly standing behind me. She looked even more beautiful in the light of the day.

"I am a bit shaken as any Lady would be

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"I am a bit shaken as any Lady would be. I cannot fathom why anyone would want to hurt someone innocent." I shook my head. "But I am relieved it was not you."

Her eyes brightened at my words. "So you will not turn me in ?"

I glanced around the hallway. Only guards at their post lined the hall. I wondered how many secrets they must know. "Only if you can explain to me what occurred."

"Explain ?" Lilly's voice sounded confused.

"I don't understand." I sighed. "I do not....." I glanced around again. "I need help dressing in my chamber we can discuss it over your help."
She nodded and silently followed me.

"Lady Hannah the castle is still on lock down. You must pick a room and stay in it so we know where you are." A young knight approached us. He was tall, dark and handsome.

"Forgive me. We have a ball tomorrow night and are trying to make sure everything goes to Queen Theas plans. I was just retiring to my chamber. I will be there the rest of the evening." I explained.

"Well please make haste. I will not have something happen to something so beautiful on my watch." I blushed at his words.

Nodding i quickly made my way to my chamber with Lilly trailing behind. Closing the door behind us She stood awkwardly by the fireplace. "I want you to explain what happened between us," I said breaking the silence.

"I'm afraid I don't understand my lady." Lilly said.

"In the closest." I hinted.

"Our kiss?" She asked.

"It was not a kiss." I protested. "Women do not kiss other women."

Lilly laughed. "I understand in your world this might seem atrocious. But in my world....a world not so privileged we let our desires lead us, it provides what little comfort we do have."

"What would the church say?." I gasped. "But...why did it feel better then any kiss I've ever had?"

Lilly stepped closer to me taking my hands in hers. "My lady....if I may be so can not help what arouses you."

"I'm afraid....I do not know what that means either." I stated.

"But..." she stopped her thoughts searching my eyes. "You must understand I would never be negative about you or lady Elly. I think you are kind and considerate...but we hear everything. There is no way around it, we are always somewhere as a servant and we hear things and it gets passed on. Did you not get your desires met working at the Tavern?"

My heart sank at her words. My secret was out. It was known i am a ruined woman. I was a fool to think Thea could fix this with a stupid ball. Surly the rumors have reached eligible men by now. " was horrid. The men....touched us without care. They did not care of our was all about pleasing them."

"It breaks my heart you were treated so." Lilly sighed. "Us servants understand more then anyone doing what you have to."

"Then you won't tell on me?" I repeated her question back to her.

She paused smiling at me. "Let me care for you." Without another word I let her lead me to my bed. She pushed me gently so I was on my back. My heart pounded. I contemplated stopping her. But the fact was I didn't want her to stop. My body was tingling with anticipation. She gently lay on top of me and her lips found mine. They were just as soft as I'd remembered. She painted beautiful pictures with my lips. Her hand slid down my body and lifted my many layers of skirt. I grew nervous at the sensation but I didn't want it to stop. Her fingers lights slid up my thigh..brushing them with every inch. I shivered at the sensation. "Are you okay my lady?"

"Don't stop." I said lifting my face to kiss her again.

She lifted her hand to my underwear. Circling around my lady parts. Her touch sent a shiver up my back and a wet sensation pooled in my underwear. Lifting the side of my panties she twirled her fingers around until they found the inside of me. I moaned into her lips. She kissed down my neck In response. Her fingers worked gently but fast. Some joyful feeling was building inside of me. I felt like I was flying. Like every exciting thing I'd ever experienced all at once was working together to fulfill this sensation. I had never wanted someone more then I did her right now. She cupped my breast with her free hand. Pulling one out my nipple became hard. She placed her mouth on it and sucked. The feeling was too much for me to bare and I squirmed in delight. Another moan escaped my lips. Her tongue played with my nipple and she nibbled at it. I gasped. She shoved her finger in deeper. I couldn't take it anymore. The built up sensation burst. I covered my mouth so that the loud moan escaping my lips could not be heard. A warm liquid dripped down my legs. I did not know what Lilly had just done. All I knew was I wanted more.

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