King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
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I stood in the mirror curressing the small bump that seemed to have appeared overnight. Relief washed over me. Was it finally all over ? Everything Silas had put me through was It all going to pay off? Would I finally get to have everyone off my back. Could I finally be something other then a baby maker in this palace?
Hushed tones in the hallway pulled me away from my reflection. I walked to the door and put my ear to it. I could hear Rose and another man, was it Edmund ? Were they trying to be alone ? No Rosemary has always been a rule follower. She wouldn't waste her reputation....would she? Was that why she was acting strange the other day ?
Curiosity getting the better of me I yanked the door open. Stepping out I found Rosemary standing next to a pillar. Great fear was in her eyes. She glanced behind the pillar then back to me. I approached her which seemed to make her more nervous.
"Rose ? Whatever are you doing ?" I asked.
"Nothing." She said nearly cutting off my words.
"I may be older then you but I am not as naive as the rest of the people running around here. What is going on?" I demanded.
"You cannot tell anyone." She pleaded glancing nervously around. "Come with me."
She took my hand and I let her lead me behind the pillar. Reaching up she pulled a painting out like a door. A dark hallway appeared. My eyes grew wide. The secret passages Peter told me about. They were true. One more secret my husband kept from me.
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She helped me inside and closed the picture behind us. Cobwebs covered every inch of the space around us. Dirt and sand was sprinkled throughout the floor. A mouse scurried down the hallway. Pure silence filled our ears. It was creepy and dark. No wonder Fiona loved it back here. Leading me down several cold narrow hallways we finally came to a dimly lit room. It was well furnished and even had a few windows. It was clearly built as a hide away. Peter said if the castle was ever taken knowing the paths back here could save my life. I wondered again why Silas hasn't told me about them. Just one more big reminder how little he cared for me. I pushed all thoughts about him to the back of my mind. I needed to focus on my current situation. Why have you brought me here ?" I demanded.