King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
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I twisted a strand of my long red hair between my fingers. My fingers were stiff and cold from the sudden snow we had received last night. Winter was officially here. The castle walls were dry and drafty. Thumbing through a few books on the library shelves I tried to keep my mind off Daniel but I knew deep down no amount of fairy tails would ever be distracting enough. Fiona's cries from the hallway pulled my attention from the dusty shelves. I peered out in the hallway just in time to watch her being drug down the hallway by two burly guards. She thrashed against their armor snarling like a rabid animal.
"I too am a Queen. Of my own country might I add! I demand you let me go. I demand my own army know what you are doing to me this instant ! I carry their heir!" Fiona yelled.
I hid behind a shelf and covered my mouth to keep a laugh from escaping. Fiona was always plotting. I always knew her sneaking around would get her in trouble. It serves her right for being so evil all the time. She was so mean to everyone. Especially Queen Thea. My sister in law would not hurt a fly. I felt bad for her. Our family was not an easy one to navigate. Even I who had never really felt my parents rathe knew from a young age to just blend in. Fiona never had done that. I almost felt bad for her.
I turned to return to my books but was startled to almost run into my mother instead. "Enjoying the show ?" She asked one eye brow raised.
My mouth grew dry at her stare. "I was just looking for a book, honest."
Her expression faded into a smile and my heart began to beat normal. "I know. You've always been my good girl." She hugged me and kissed my forehead. "I wanted to let you know you have a guest arriving this afternoon."
"A guest ?" I said glancing to the window. "In this weather?"
Mother nodded. "He could not wait to spend the holidays with you."
"He?" I said trying not to have anytpe of tone.
"Do you remember Prince Edmund?" Her question made me want to squirm. Prince Edmund used to visit often when I was a child. His father was king to our alley across the ocean. They enjoyed each others company. I on the other hand do not enjoy his sons. I remember his buck teeth and stinky breathe. He was 3 years older then me and always tried to hold my hand or get me to dance with him at balls. I ran from him. Something tells me I won't be allowed to do that on this visit.
I hid my feelings. "It's been a while since I've heard that name. But yes."
"He and his mother will be spending Christmas with us." Mother clapped her hands.
"Lovely." I tried to sound enthusiastic.
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A small rumble hit under our feet as a carriage climbed our long stone path up to the castle. Mother fixed my dress and hair. I gave her a small smile and dropped it as soon as she glanced away. Stealing a glance to my side Danielle stood in his best uniform waiting to tend to the horses. I still couldn't believe how much he matured. My eyes ran over his muscular frame. A small smack on my hand pulled me back to mother who's eyes ran between Danial and I. What have I done ? I prayed he wasn't on her radar. She knew we used to play together but I think she thought I had forgotten all about him in my own maturing. Did she notice me checking him out ? I prayed she just thought i recognized him and nothing more.
Silas appeared next to us frantic and looking stressed. "Is it Thea ? Have they brought her back ?"
"Brought her back from where ?!" Mothers words were sharp and her breath could be seen in the cold. "Please tell me you did not send away your wife who is finally with child."
"She...went to see a friend. It was supposed to be only half a days trip." Silas replied fumbling on his words.
"No it is not Queen Thea." She glared at him. "It is Prince Edmond and Queen Tiana from our Alley coming to visit Rosemary. You will stand her and greet them as a king should and then I demand you explain to me more about your wife."
Silas stiffened under mothers words but he stayed silent. I could not help but smile at the news my sister in law was finally with child. Oh happy day, her time has finally come. My happiness was short lived as the carriage parked and I had to watch Daniel hold the horses as Prince Edmond stepped out.
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But outstepped a man. Tall Dark and handsome. He was nothing like the boy I remembered from mg childhood. It was truly crazy what time could do. I suddenly felt like a insignificant teen compared to the mature being infront of me. Surely he did not come to visit me.
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Silas leaned over in a hushed tone. "Mother Rose is just of age. The Prince has her by several years surly you cannot be thinking...."
"Hush child, they are in hearing distance." Mother said through a smile.
I glanced to my brother and it finally hit me. This was not just a visit from an old friend. This was a match negotiation.